Author: Majid Zare

My story as an English content producer and copywriter began ironically in the 7th grade when I failed English. My parents, concerned about my educational prospects, enrolled me in an English course, and thanks to motivating teachers, the fun learning environment, and, of course, my own efforts, I grew fond of English as the subject to pursue in university. I studied English Language and Literature for my BA, and my interest in the subject increased even further. After graduating with a BA degree from the University of Isfahan, I continued my education in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). I received my MA degree in TEFL from the Isfahan University of Technology. All the while, I was engaged in expanding my knowledge of the culture of native English speakers by reading novels, listening to English podcasts, and watching English movies. Consequently, my efforts brought me to where I am now: a skilled English content producer. I hope my content helps you make better decisions.

“How to teach IELTS to beginners?” is an important issue for IELTS tutors. As an IELTS tutor, you have encountered beginner learners who are looking for ways to prepare for the IELTS exam. Most of the time, you provide them with some general guidelines that get them started. However, you may not know the systematic approach to how to tutor someone for IELTS. This article aims to introduce ten essential tips for IELTS tutors to help you prepare your students for the exam. These tips include: Identifying learners’ English proficiency level Conducting needs analysis Explaining different parts of the IELTS…

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Teaching English online is an excellent way for English teachers to maximize their income. Through online courses you can find students and clients from all around the world. With an extensive knowledge of the English language and vast teaching experience you can attract many students and make the most out of online English tutoring. But there is one final thing you can do to be the perfect tutor. You can attain an English teaching certificate. A degree in English teaching is what makes the clients choose you as their teacher. But what kind of degree do you need to make…

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Some people do not realize the significance of the ability to use the English language until they start to look for a job. And, even when they find a job, they will need language skills to increase their chances of career advancement. This is particularly true for employees working in international companies or companies located in English-speaking countries. These people are always looking for an opportunity to teach the English language well enough to communicate in a business context.  This is the perfect opportunity for business tutors to connect with them and make a living from teaching business English. However,…

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Teaching English is a prospective career for proficient users of the English language, especially in countries where English is not the primary language. That is, when advanced English learners finish their language courses, they think of teaching English and earn an income from their knowledge. However, the problem is that most of them abstain from pursuing a career as an English teacher or tutor because they believe they need a university degree in the English language to start teaching. While having a degree gives you an edge in finding a job as an English tutor or teacher, it is not…

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