Author: Shaghayegh Yazarlu

Improving English skills is essential for academic purposes, career advancement, or personal growth. Plus, mastering English can significantly enhance one’s ability to communicate effectively and engage with diverse people and cultures.  To improve your English skills you should make some practical efforts such as: Consistent practice Immersive language experiences, Engaging with authentic materials Utilizing online resources, Seeking feedback from peers or teachers Understand Your Current Proficiency Level and Set Your Goals Before beginning the journey to improve your English skills, evaluating your current proficiency level is crucial to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. By understanding where you stand…

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Teaching IELTS in America encompasses a comprehensive approach that contains understanding the exam format, using effective preparation strategies, and leveraging the myriad resources available. An English tutor for IELTS needs to be skillful in the four main sections of the exam – reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and should employ novel academic techniques tailored to the unique characteristics of the American ESL context. Careful use of resources, from online platforms and language apps to test preparation centers, can significantly expand learning experience and improve student performance (Official IELTS website, Reputable ESL teaching websites or academic journals, Local test preparation centers…

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ESL tutor salaries can vary greatly based on many factors including your geographical location, proficiency level, qualifications, and degrees. However, an ESL tutor can make $50,362 per year on average. According to these variations, instructors can increase their income by improving teaching skills and obtaining relevant qualifications. In the following sections, we will discuss more about ESL tutor salaries at different levels while exploring the strategies to increase your income as an ESL tutor. Stay tuned! Factors that affect ESL Tutor Salaries Several factors can have a great impact on ESL tutors’ salary include: 1.   Experience and Qualification: An ESL…

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Some of the top online resources include Kahoot, Padlet, and Quizizz for assessment and progress tracking. Utilizing online resources for English teachers is essential these days as it offers a variety of educational materials including interactive tools, multimedia content, and gamified learning platforms for both learning and assessments. The benefits of using online materials include providing an engaging learning environment and personalized learning for language learners. In this article, we will introduce online resources for teachers covering their usage and benefits. Digital Platforms and Tools: Definition and Benefits Learning Management Systems (LMS) Learning Management Systems (LMS) are online platforms that…

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As an ESL teacher, obtaining ESL tutor skills is essential for career success and improvement. These skills contain both hard skills and soft skills.  Soft skills include motivational skills, empathy, patience, creativity, networking, etc. while hard skills involve language proficiency, technology use, lesson planning, and material creation.  The hard and soft skills an ESL tutor must have to succeed are covered in this guide. Understanding ESL Learners’ Different Learning Styles ESL students come from various backgrounds, with varying educational, linguistic, and cultural experiences, as well as different learning goals. Some students find visual aids like maps, diagrams, and photographs helpful…

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The ability to teach English as a second language is gained by passing an ESL tutor certification along with real-time practices and teaching experience. After training on teaching techniques, lesson preparation, and language understanding, attendees must complete a practical teaching experience to earn their certification. This article covers the process of getting an ESL certification while exploring the different types and other aspects. Overview of the ESL Tutor Certification Process Whoever seeking an ESL tutoring job should consider an ESL tutor certification to gain the necessary skills in teaching techniques and methods along with practical experience. To obtain this internationally…

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You may wonder “How to teach English literature?” It’s worth mentioning that as an English literature teacher, you should have a good knowledge of the English language, as well as a variety of teaching methods and a passion for teaching. Some of the techniques include project-based, thematic learning, and text-based teaching. While the thematic method discusses a certain theme in several works, the text-based analyzes a single work in detail.  This article will provide you with full information about teaching English literature job description while exploring methods of teaching literature in English and a roadmap map to becoming an English…

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You may be thinking “What age should I get a tutor for my child?” but don’t have an answer. In fact, it depends on many variables including the complexity of the subject matter, and your child’s learning needs and preferences. Although it’s not set what age your child needs a tutor, it’s proven that children are more adaptable and productive at younger ages. This article will discuss kids’ education and suitable ages for learning as well as how to choose the right tutor for your child.  Why should I get a tutor for my child? Private tutors’ benefits Getting a…

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Creating lesson plans for exam preparation is crucial as it involves the strategies and specific material for each skill to help learners achieve their goals. Crafting a practical lesson plan begins with defining your session objectives, planning engaging warm-up activities, and then presentation of the main subject along with practices and materials. This article will provide some tips and guidelines to create a successful TOEFL lesson plan for teachers. What Is a Lesson Plan? A TOEFL lesson plan is a step-by-step manual that guides the instructor on what and how to teach each subject as well as the materials to…

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You may wonder “how to improve my English writing”, especially those preparing for exams like the IELTS. The solution might be easier than imagined and lies in finding a dedicated English writing tutor for adults. A skilled tutor guides you through the process, helping you enhance your vocabulary, improve grammar, develop your writing style, and increase clarity and coherence in your writing. Some other ways include: Schedule Regular Tutoring Sessions Implement Writing Exercises Utilize Educational Technology Practice Writing Different Formats Understand and Implement Feedback Read Widely Monitor Progress through Assessments What is the best way to improve English writing? The…

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