To teach IELTS effectively, it is important to provide students with a clear understanding of the evaluation criteria and essay structure requirements and incorporate activities and multimedia resources to keep them engaged and motivated. Additionally, providing regular feedback and personalized guidance can help students track their progress and achieve their desired scores. This article can be practical for every IELTS tutor online who wants to teach IELTS speaking.

Is it your first-time teaching IELTS?

If you’re new to teaching IELTS, it can be daunting. The Writing test is considered the most difficult part of the IELTS exam as it requires a high level of English language proficiency and an understanding of essay structure. Teachers need to understand how best to teach their students so they can achieve success on this section of the exam. Fortunately, IELTS coachers can use several tips and strategies when preparing their students for the IELTS Writing test. With careful planning and guidance, even first-time teachers can help their students succeed in this challenging area of the IELTS exam.

To have more information, you also can click here and read the article: “How can I become an IELTS tutor online?” to read the best ways to become an online IELTS tutor and know What license do a tutor need to teach IELTS.

Know the exam

To effectively teach IELTS writing, it’s important to have a comprehensive understanding of the exam. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) measures proficiency in English language skills for non-native English speakers. The exam consists of four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

  • What exactly does IELTS Writing involve?

The Writing test is one of the four components of the IELTS exam, requiring students to demonstrate their English language proficiency. The Writing test consists of two tasks: Task 1 and Task 2. In Task 1, students must summarize, describe or explain visual information in a graph, chart, table, or diagram. For Task 2, they must write an essay responding to a prompt or question. Both tasks measure different aspects of writing ability, such as grammar accuracy, coherence and cohesion, vocabulary range, and task achievement.

  • What are IELTS writing topics?

The topics for IELTS Writing are varied and cover a wide range of subject areas. In both tasks, students must demonstrate their ability to use grammar and vocabulary and understand essay structure accurately. With careful preparation and practice, even first-time teachers can help their students succeed on the IELTS Writing test.

  • What is the main structure of IELTS writing?

For both tasks, a specific structure needs to be followed, including an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement, body paragraphs with supporting evidence, and a conclusion paragraph summarizing the main points discussed in the essay. Teachers can ensure they are well-prepared for success on the IELTS Writing test by teaching this structure first and then providing practice opportunities for their students.

What should I teach first for IELTS writing?

When teaching IELTS Writing, it is important to start with the basics. This means introducing students to the exam’s structure and familiarizing them with common essay topics and questions. It is also essential for tutors to teach their students how to properly organize their essays, including an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement, body paragraphs that provide evidence and support, and a conclusion paragraph summarizing the main points discussed in the essay. By starting with these foundational elements, teachers can help ensure their students are prepared for success on this challenging section of the IELTS exam.

How do you teach basic writing?

To teach basic writing, an IELTS trainer should focus first on building foundational skills such as understanding sentence structure and using proper grammar and punctuation. Additionally, providing ample opportunities for practice and feedback is essential in helping students improve their writing abilities.

Do you want the same information for other IELTS skills? Click here:

What should I know before I start teaching?

1. Know the Exam

Before starting to teach IELTS, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the exam structure, grading criteria, and types of questions. This knowledge will help IELTS teachers better prepare their students for the test and ensure their success in achieving their desired language proficiency level.

2. Know your background

 Know your educational background and experience level to assess what type of teaching is best for you.

3. Be familiar with your students

Become familiar with state laws regarding education, specialized courses or curriculum requirements, and student rights related to those regulations. Understand the age group you will be teaching and create content accordingly.

4. Time managing

Learn how to manage a classroom efficiently while creating an inclusive environment that fosters learning and respect among students.

5. Lesson plan

Ensure all lesson plans are properly planned and aligned with school/state standards before beginning instruction.

IELTS writing activities

  1. Practice using the correct essay structure: an introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs with evidence, and a conclusion summarizing the main points.
  2. Brainstorm ideas for essay topics related to education, health care, technology, and other important social issues.
  3. Provide practice opportunities to write an essay in response to given prompts or questions from IELTS exams.
  4. Encourage students to use appropriate grammar and vocabulary in their writing pieces correctly.
  5. Give feedback on students’ essays to help them further improve their writing skills for the exam.
  6. IELTS writing homework is a crucial part of the preparation process for the IELTS exam. It provides students with the necessary practice and feedback to improve their writing skills and refine their ability to approach different essay prompts strategically.

How do you plan a writing lesson?

When planning a writing lesson, it is essential, to begin with clear objectives and goals. Once these are established, the teacher can focus on selecting appropriate materials and resources to engage and challenge the students.

As part of the planning process, it is also important to consider different learning styles and abilities and any accommodations that may be necessary. The lesson should be structured logically and coherently, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

IELTS writing lesson plans for teachers

When teaching IELTS writing, you should develop your student’s ability to generate ideas quickly, organize them into coherent paragraphs, support points with evidence from reliable sources, use appropriate grammar and vocabulary for academic purposes, and present their arguments clearly and logically.

Additionally, you should provide practice opportunities for each task type on the exam so that your students can familiarize themselves with different types of questions they might encounter during testing day.

How to teach IELTS Writing Task 1

Teaching IELTS writing task 1 requires a clear understanding of the exam format and evaluation criteria. It is important to guide students to interpret the graph or chart correctly and coherently organize their responses. Moreover, emphasis should be placed on using appropriate vocabulary and grammar structures to convey information accurately and concisely.

Providing students with sample questions and model answers, along with regular feedback on their performance, can be useful in improving their skills. Encouraging students to practice writing essays from past exams and giving them individualized guidance based on their areas of weakness can also enhance their chances of success on this section of the IELTS exam.

What should I use in IELTS writing task 1?

In IELTS writing task 1, it is important to use clear and accurate language to demonstrate an understanding of the task. Using different vocabulary words and grammar structures appropriate for the exam level is also beneficial. Additionally, students should practice organizing their responses according to the given information to create coherent paragraphs with a strong introduction and conclusion. Providing examples or models of correct essays can help students understand how best to prepare for this section.

Use this CAMBRIDGE reference that introduces task 1 through analyzing formality of language and standard letter layout and then gives practice in writing an answer:

How to teach IELTS Writing Task 2

The most important thing when teaching IELTS writing task 2 is to focus on essay structure, grammar, and vocabulary. Students need to understand the evaluation criteria to tailor their responses according to the question requirements. In addition, practicing topics with sample questions and providing feedback on individual students’ essays can help improve performance.

Finally, it is beneficial for students to become familiar with various argumentative essay styles, such as discussion and comparison essays, to feel comfortable approaching different topics.

What should I use in IELTS writing task 2?

In IELTS writing task 2, using accurate language and being aware of the essay structure is essential. Practicing topics with sample questions and providing feedback on individual students‘ essays can help students improve their performance.

How to teach IELTS Academic Writing Task 2?

When teaching IELTS Academic Writing Task 2, it is important to provide students with a clear understanding of the evaluation criteria and essay structure requirements. Additionally, it is beneficial for students to become familiar with various argumentative essay styles, such as discussion and comparison essays, to feel comfortable approaching different topics. Providing practice questions, sample answers, and regular feedback on their performance can be useful in improving their skills.

You can also use this CAMBRIDGE reference which introduces Academic Writing task 2, involving task analysis, idea generation, essay planning and language activation: 

How can I make my IELTS writing class interesting?

  • Incorporate activities, such as creative writing, debates, and group discussions, to keep students engaged.
  • Use multimedia resources such as videos, podcasts, and online quizzes to facilitate learning in the classroom.
  • Provide students with feedback on their essays so they can track their progress and be motivated to do better in future exams.

How to teach IELTS writing to beginners?

Teaching IELTS writing to beginners can be daunting, but with careful planning and guidance, ensuring they have the skills they need to succeed is possible. Instructors must provide clear instructions on essay structure and evaluation criteria so students understand what is expected of them. Additionally, providing practice questions with sample answers and regular feedback on their performance can help students become more confident in their writing abilities.

You also can read How to start teaching English to beginners” for more information, which is about Some essential tips that can help you teach beginners better. For example, if your student does not have experience in private classes, try to be patient, know the student’s personality, use vital aids, start from the basics, and encourage them to continue studying. This article is about a beginner student’s needs and expectations. 

How to tutor IELTS writing?

  • Online

To tutor IELTS writing online, it is important to use interactive tools such as screen sharing and real-time editing features to enhance the learning experience. Additionally, providing personalized feedback and tailored lesson plans can help students improve their writing skills and performance in the exam.

  • Face-to-face

When tutoring IELTS writing face-to-face, creating a comfortable and open learning environment to encourage discussion and feedback is important. Additionally, incorporating real-life writing tasks and providing personalized guidance on specific areas for improvement can help students gain confidence and achieve their desired scores.

How can I teach IELTS effectively?

To teach IELTS effectively, instructors should focus on providing a clear understanding of the exam’s evaluation criteria and essay structure requirements. Additionally, incorporating various activities and multimedia resources can keep students engaged and motivated to improve their skills. Regular feedback and personalized guidance can help students track their progress and achieve their desired scores.

If you need more information, you can also readHow to teach IELTS effectively?” which has Tips for IELTS tutors & coaches and learn the teaching techniques of every skill.

Be one of the best IELTS tutors in Ostado!

Ostado is an online tutoring platform which connects the students to tutors and provides free advertising for the best online English tutors. You can be one of them if you are interested in teaching English at home! You can sign in on Ostado as an IELTS teacher and send your information. We will evaluate your resume, and after qualifying, you will have your introduction page, and you will be seen by many students looking for an online tutor

  • Benefits of being a tutor on Ostado: 

Ostado will offer you: Free advertising, Flexible working hours, teaching online at home and progressing in your career. Register as an online tutor; we will introduce you to students looking for a tutor like you!


  • How to teach IELTS writing effectively?

Several methods can help a tutor to teach IELTS writing properly. You can read all these strategies here. Click to read more!

  • How can I become a Writing IELTS tutor?

You can start teaching IELTS by registering on the Ostado platform and qualifying as an online tutor. Click here to start!

  • How to teach IELTS to beginners?

Some tips can help you to teach IELTS to beginners. This article will mention some practical strategies for teaching IELTS to beginners. Click here to read the tips!


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