Learning English, whether for personal or professional reasons, has numerous benefits. People turn to English tutors for a more high-quality learning path and personalized lessons. An English tutor can help learners achieve proficiency and more fluency. Besides giving feedback, motivation, and confidence, tutors provide a personalized learning environment tailored to the learner’s needs and goals. But how to find a good English tutor? Suppose you aim to improve your English skills with tutoring. In that case, this article gives you an insight into finding highly qualified tutors, which includes:

  • Identify your goals for learning English.
  • Visit the community center or language school
  • Consider interactive Skype lessons, or online tutoring services
  • Teaching experience, certifications, and degrees are important
  • Ask for particular tutor’s teaching styles and progress-tracking approaches
  • Read the other language learners’ reviews

What is the First Step in Learning English?

Learning a foreign language or improving language skills takes dedication, motivation, and consistency. However, learning English can be a joyful journey with the right approach. Here are some tips for finding the right English tutor:

1. Identifying Your Reasons to Learn English

The first step of learning English is identifying your needs. People learn English for several reasons: travel, education, business, work visa, etc. No matter your reasons, setting clear goals is vital in learning English, as there are numerous approaches to learning objectives. For instance, if you aim to improve your conversational and writing skills for business settings, learning with a business English tutor is your best option. In any case, identifying your specific needs is a great start.

2. The Assessment of Your Overall Language Skills

Assessing your current language skills and proficiency level is also necessary. This way, finding the perfect tutor for your needs gets more straightforward. For instance, if you are an ESL beginner, English classes with group discussions are a better option, as you will learn basic vocabulary and grammar more affordably. Similarly, working with a private IELTS speaking tutor online is best if you need to learn IELTS speaking.

3. Identifying Your Predominant Learning Style

Besides your skills and goals, your learning style is essential to the learning process. Finding an English teacher that matches your learning style is of great importance. There are four general learning styles: visual, reading/writing, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. Finding your learning style and letting your English tutor know about your preferred learning environment is essential. The table below can help you find out about your learning style:

Predominant Learning Styles

Learning Style


Best Learning Approaches

Visual learner Learn better via visuals, charts, pictures Flashcards, infographics, videos, taking notes
Reading/writing learner Learn better by writing and reading Reading stories/books tailored to level, rewriting information into their own words
Auditory Learner Learn better by listening Podcasts, audiobooks, reading aloud
Kinesthetic learner Learn better through activities Interactive games, walking while studying

4. Visit the Local English Language Centers to Find an English Tutor

Depending on your goals, location, learning style, and budget, you can find an English teacher at colleagues, language schools, institutes, and community centers. Look for certified English teachers with university or advanced college degrees among experienced teachers. A certified teacher with teaching experience can be a good candidate. It’s also a good idea to ask your friends, colleagues, or whoever has had experience learning English in a language center about how to find a good English teacher.

5. Consider Online Learning Platforms with an Online English Tutor

Learning with an online English tutor has numerous benefits compared to learning in person. For instance, online learning is more accessible, and you can find the best online English tutors that meet your needs. By searching for an English tutor near me, you can find online tutors that will work with you on your convenience schedule, based on your learning style, so that From the comfort of your home, you can master English skills to a proficiency level. An online English learning program can be more affordable than most in-person classes. Plus, with programs like English via Skype, you can record your lessons for later review.

Start Learning English at Ostado

With online learning, students have access to more English tutors. At Ostado, you can find the best English tutors to work with you based on your learning style, learning goals, and flexible schedule. We have carefully picked highly qualified experts in English tutoring here. Through the list of online English tutors of Ostado, you will see each English tutor’s ratings, resume, and skills on-site and find an English tutor to meet your learning needs.

There’s also a much simpler way to find an online English tutor. You can notify us about your learning goals, preferred learning schedule, and price range; we will help you find the perfect English tutor for you.

How Much is the Average Price of English Tutors of Ostado?

The prices vary depending on the English tutor’s experience, certificates, and location. The average cost of online English learning at Ostado is 14 USD per hour.

What Are the Qualities of a Good English Tutor?

Tutoring is important for students in many ways; nevertheless, finding the right tutor is critical. Suppose you need clarification about how to find a good English tutor while there are too many tutors. In that case, there are several factors you should consider. First, check for the teacher’s credentials, such as English teaching certificates or university degrees. Teacher’s experience is also another matter of importance. Usually, tutors with teaching experience are more comfortable teaching students of different learning styles.

According to research, students who learn English from native English speakers develop better listening and speaking skills. So, if you’re learning English as a foreign language, you might find a native English speaker more helpful. However, teaching English needs more than knowledge and English proficiency. A teacher’s empathy toward students and patience in simplifying subjects to learners’ needs are crucial factors. And, of course, a reliable tutor for the English language should excel at communication skills.

How to Find a Good English Tutor? Evaluating Potential Tutors

One thing you need to ask the potential English tutor is their teaching techniques and the materials they use. For instance, if you are looking for an IELTS writing tutor, ask them how familiar they are with the IELTS exam formats, or if you’re looking for a business English tutor, ask the tutor about their related experience and make sure their qualifications align with your needs. It can also be helpful to ask the particular tutor about their approach to students’ progress assessment and how they tailor lessons to students’ progress levels.

Availability of Schedule

After finding an English tutor that meets learning standards, you must ensure their schedule aligns with yours. It’s also a good idea to check if they would be comfortable rescheduling a session or two if you have a busy lifestyle.

Read or Ask for other Students’ Reviews

Former student’s reviews can be significant indicators of an English tutor’s reliability. Suppose you are learning with an online English teacher. Reading the reviews is simple in that case, as each online teacher has a section reviewing former students. Ask other students or teachers if you’re learning at a school or institute.

Schedule a Trial Lesson

A trial lesson can give you an insight into the whole English learning journey with the particular tutor. Online video lessons are a great way to find tutors qualified to teach you. With trial lessons, you can find out if the tutor’s teaching style meets your needs, if you would be comfortable with them, and their overall approach to teaching English.

Making Your Decision about an English tutor

The experience during the trial lesson, the teacher’s communication, and qualifications can help in the evaluation of teaching effectiveness. Your English tutor must be a person who can work with you based on your learning style and pace and, most importantly, your expectations and goals. The teacher’s sensitivity, patience, and empathy are other factors. A good teacher motivates you, and you feel confident around them. Feeling confident and motivated with your English teacher, especially if you’re learning conversational English, is essential.

Learning Outcomes and Progress Measurement

This part would be more straightforward if you worked with a private tutor. Private tutors provide a personalized learning environment. Personal classes are more effective for improving language skills. It would help if you discussed your learning goals with your English tutor and set realistic goals. Periodic assessments, such as a weekly writing assignment, can identify your areas of improvement, which can help you and your tutor focus on the needed areas for a better outcome.

Another critical factor is the feedback mechanism; regular feedback will lead to continuous improvement. Our last tip on how to find a good English tutor is to be flexible to adjustments; you might need to work on a specific area more than you had expected or vice versa.

Read more: How To Improve My English Grammar With An English Tutor


Learning English with a highly qualified tutor has many advantages, including a better understanding of the language and a straightforward path toward proficiency. Finding an English tutor who matches your learning style and specific goals and has enough knowledge and proficiency to teach you is essential.


What is the difference between an English teacher and a tutor?

English teachers usually work with more extensive groups of students to improve the student’s English skills. Conversely, English tutors have a more personalized teaching approach; they provide English lessons to individuals or small groups of people.

How do I choose a private English tutor?

These are the simple steps to take if you are wondering how to find an English tutor:

  1. Identify your reasons for learning English.
  2. Assess your English proficiency level and your learning style.
  3. Visit the community center, ask friends, or use the search bar to find online English tutors.
  4. Check different tutors’ credentials and teaching experience.
  5. Book a trial lesson with the particular tutor.
  6. Evaluate the trial lesson based on your learning style and goals and how comfortable you are with the tutor.

Where can I find English tutors online?

By searching through Ostado’s online English tutor list, you can find the perfect tutor that matches your proficiency level, needs, and goals.

What makes a high-quality tutor?

Besides proficiency in the subject and area they teach, tutors should be passionate about teaching and guiding students toward success. Other positive characteristics of qualified tutors are confidence, good communication skills, patience, and sensitivity toward students.


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