If you are interested in Teaching English to Japanese students you should know there’s a huge linguistic difference between Japanese and English languages. Simply put, the alphabets are completely different, and there are often no direct word translations. This makes Teaching English to Japanese students challenging but not impossible! The methods below are helpful for teaching English to Japanese students online or in person:

  • Listening practices in your lesson planning based on students’ age group
  • Show the students how to make English sounds with their mouths instead of merely repeating
  • Repetition exercises (Oral drill method) are an excellent strategy for teaching English to Japanese students

Those who consider online tutoring should know teaching English online has many advantages. Besides making money, and spreading your knowledge, you get to meet new people of other cultures. If you’ve ever wondered How to teach English online to Japanese students? This article has valuable information for you.

Is Teaching English an In-Demand Job in Japan?

Teaching English abroad is not as difficult as it might sound. In fact, several countries need English teachers. And Japan is no exception. If you have thought about top countries to teach English abroad + incomes, you must know Japan is a great place for English teachers.

According to TEFL, teaching English in Japan is not only in demand, but also there are various positions for English teachers, such as independent kindergartens, bilingual school assistants, and English teachers.

Based on your experience, career expectations, and qualifications, you can find English teaching jobs in Japan or online teaching jobs for Japanese students.

Below are different types of language institutes and programs that you can apply.

  • Conversation Schools (eikaiwa)

These schools are found all over Japan. Native English speakers are popular candidates to teach English to young and adult learners in conversation schools.

  • The JET Programme

The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program is a competitive employment opportunity sponsored by the Japanese government that gives English teachers the opportunity to work in Japan as teacher assistants.

JET hires more than 2,000 native English speakers every year to work in Japanese schools. You must have a bachelor’s degree and be a citizen of a participating country.

  • Elementary and High Schools

Teaching in Japanese elementary and high schools is a great option. Japanese schools hire part-time or full-time assistant language teachers. Although you don’t necessarily need previous teaching experience or TEFL certification, you will have a better chance of getting hired with a certification and experience.

  • Colleges and Universities

Japan’s colleges and universities have the highest hiring standards. Suppose you want to teach English in Japanese universities. In that case, you need to have a master’s degree in foreign language teaching and previous teaching experience.

  • Teaching English to Japanese Students Online

Another great way of teaching English to Japanese students is online teaching. This way, you will not need a working visa or bear the challenges of moving to a foreign country. If you are interested in teaching English online to Japanese students, join Ostado and enjoy the extraordinary experience of online teaching.

Qualifications and Certifications: Getting Ready to Teach English to Japanese students

Japan’s Beautiful nature, tradition, and advancement in modernity at the same time make it a desirable destination for travel lovers and those who want to live abroad. For English teachers who want to teach in Japan, finding a job would be easy, but there are some qualifications needed. The table below can give you an insight into qualifications and certifications to teach English in Japan.

Qualifications and Certifications

Requirements to teach English in Japan

A TEFL or TESOL Preferred by most schools and institutes
A bachelor’s degree Preferred by most schools and institutes
CELTA certificate Required to teach English in universities
A master’s Degree Required to teach English in universities
Previous teaching experience Preferred by most schools and institutes
Citizenship of a native English-speaking country Preferred by most schools and institutes
Health test Required by most schools
Clean criminal record Required by most schools
Age limit Some Japanese schools have an age limit of 65

However, with the advancement of technology, you don’t need to move to Japan to teach English to Japanese students. Online English tutoring is an excellent option for those who love to meet new people and make money from home.

The Value of a TEFL Certificate

Having a TEFL certificate is not an official requirement to teach English in Japan. However, a TEFL certificate increases your chance of getting hired. Besides, some Japanese schools offer a higher salary to English teachers with a TEFL certificate and teaching experience.

Alternative Credentials for Non-Native English Speakers

Citizens of an English-speaking country have a higher chance of getting hired as an English teacher in Japan.

If you are not a native speaker, you still have a chance of finding a job as an English teacher in Japan. You will have to be qualified and master the English language. A TEFL certificate can uplift your resume. A bachelor’s degree is also very helpful and, in some cases, required to find an English teaching job in Japan. However, it’s not a must to have a bachelor’s degree in English or even language related fields.

How to Teach English to Japanese Students?

The linguistic differences between English and Japanese languages make in person or online teaching English to Japanese students rather challenging. However, with the right approach, you can do a great job. The methods below can help you teach English to Japanese students.

. Oral Practices

Japanese emphasis on grammar-translation teaching methods gives students a lack of oral practice. Most Japanese students have a strong knowledge of grammatical rules but are not very good at speaking. Suppose you want to teach English to Japanese students. In that case, you need to emphasize the importance of oral practice by encouraging students to speak more. Repetition exercises (Oral drill method) are also an excellent strategy for teaching English to Japanese students.

. Listening Practices

English speakers link their words together, which might make it difficult for Japanese students to understand spoken English. It would be helpful for teachers to speak clearly and naturally-sounding English.

Also, listening practices play an important role in teaching English to Japanese students. Watching video clips and listening to audio tracks are great listening practices.

. Pronunciation Practices

Besides grammatical rules, Japanese and English have very different vowels. The correct word pronunciation is an important part of language learning. However, English pronunciation is not easy for Japanese students; this is due to the fact that most English sounds do not exist in Japanese.

Whether you’re teaching English to Japanese students online or in person, teaching pronunciation is very important. A great method is showing the students how to make the sounds with their mouths instead of merely repeating the sounds for them.

. Grammar Practices

Since the Japanese language does not have relative pronouns and articles, it is challenging for students to learn about English articles. Verb tense agreement is also a challenging area for Japanese students. English teachers must be patient and creative.

Using visuals, giving clear examples, and creating context through role-playing are effective ways to teach English grammar to Japanese students.

. Reading Practices

Japanese students are used to reading symbols that characterize a word or a sound. This makes reading English difficult for them. It can be helpful to give them reading practices that they already know and suit their level, e.g. Japanese popular stories written in English.

All the above practices should be tailored to students’ age.

English Tutor Salary in Japan

The salary of English tutors in Japan varies based on qualification, certificate, particular school, and experience. Depending on the school or institution, whether you take private lessons or charge hourly, you can expect to have a decent income. Generally said, the English teachers in Japan earn around USD 1,700-USD 5,000 monthly.

For a more comprehensive view, take a look at English Teachers’ Salaries in Japan.

Teaching English to Japanese Students Online

The good news is that you don’t have to move to Japan to teach English. Online English teaching to Japanese students is always a great option for those who love working online with a convenient schedule. On the right platform, teaching English to Japanese students online is not only possible but a unique experience.

Ostado is the perfect platform for tutors and students who want to learn English in the comfort of their own homes. Tutors who use Ostado will benefit from several features including an intuitive, user-friendly interface that allows them to quickly and easily search for available tutoring opportunities, or post their own with ease. They can also quickly connect with potential tutors and students in real time, making it easy to build relationships and create long-term teaching partnerships.

Registering on Ostado is free and our platform allows anyone from anywhere around the world to access our services with ease. So don’t wait any longer; start your tutoring jobs today at Ostado and get ahead in your conversation English skills.

Why Ostado?

Our extensive experience in education has led us to believe that private tutoring is the most effective method for academic success. We have carefully selected and partnered with top tutors in various fields who undergo a thorough evaluation process and continuous performance monitoring to ensure the highest quality of education. Ostado is trying to give this opportunity to all tutors worldwide to have their job at home and will stay with you on the way to progress

Online English tutoring has multiple advantages. Besides making money and working on your convenient schedule, you get to know new people worldwide. If you are interested in how to teach English in another country, Ostado is the perfect place for you.

Start teaching English to Japanese students today!– the premier destination for tutoring and connecting with students around the globe!

The Art of Lesson Planning for Japanese Students

Lesson planning is an important part of teaching English. English tutoring lesson plans make it possible for the teacher and the students to work towards the main objective of each lesson.

Due to the difference between English and Japanese languages, lesson planning for Japanese students should include adaptive methods.

· Adapting Materials for Different Age Groups

Learning English has become very important in Japan. Based on your skills and qualifications, you can find English teaching jobs, from teaching 9-month-old babies to high school and university students.

It goes without saying that each age group has its teaching materials and methodology; however, having exceptional communication skills is crucial, especially when teaching English to very young children.

· Incorporating Elements of Japanese Culture

Teaching in a foreign country is beyond teaching grammatical rules and vocabulary. Programs like the JET program and many Japanese parents aim for students to have a deeper understanding of different cultures.

There’s a strong connection between language and culture. In order for students to have a better understanding of English, they should be taught about English culture. This makes communicating through the English language much easier for students.

It’s also worth knowing that there’s a cultural difference between Japanese students and European and American students. Japanese students tend to be well-behaved and more reserved, which could lead them to avoid speaking during class.

Whether you intend to teach English online to Japanese students or work in Japan, it would be helpful to be sensitive while encouraging the students to speak more by asking questions.


Teaching English to Japanese students online or in person can be a lifetime experience for an English teacher. Depending on your qualifications, experience, and education, you can have a decent salary. While the two languages are very different, with the right approach and method you can do a great job of teaching English to Japanese students.


Is TEFL worth it for Japan?

Due to the high number of candidates, English teaching jobs in Japan are very competitive. Having a TEFL increases your chance of getting hired, although some schools or institutes do not need a TEFL certificate. There are also teaching jobs in Japan that require a TEFL certificate with 120 hours or more. Besides, some schools pay higher salaries to those with a certificate or teaching experience.

How much Japanese do you need to know to teach English in Japan?

To fully immerse your students, your classroom will be held entirely in English. So you don’t need to speak any Japanese to teach English in Japan.

However, many schools offer free Japanese lessons for teachers if you are interested in learning Japanese.

How long do English teachers stay in Japan?

You can teach English in Japan for a 10-12 month contract. After that, you can sign a second contract.


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