Tutoring English writing can be a rewarding job. Several tips and hints on coaching English writing include understanding the student’s unique learning style and needs, staying up-to-date with current pedagogy and resources, and utilizing creative writing prompts to engage learners.

This article will cover topics such as sentence structure and grammar basics for beginners, providing clear instructions for practice and feedback, and incorporating visuals into lessons to help scaffold their learning.

How to tutor writing?

1. Online

How tutor writing online can be achieved by offering personalized feedback on students’ written assignments, encouraging them to read and write regularly, and providing various online resources such as grammar tools and writing prompts.

Online writing tutoring can also involve video conferencing to conduct live writing sessions where students receive real-time feedback and engage in collaborative writing exercises with their peers.

2. Face-to-face

How to tutor writing face-to-face can be achieved by creating a comfortable and safe learning environment, focusing on the student’s individual needs and goals, and providing structured writing exercises and activities that cater to their level and interests. In addition, incorporating peer review and guided editing can also be effective in improving the student’s writing skills and fostering their critical thinking abilities.

3. Which course? IELTS, TOEFL, …

To tutor writing for IELTS, it is essential to familiarize oneself with the test format and criteria and provide targeted feedback and practice to help students meet the requirements. Additionally, using authentic materials such as sample tests and model essays can help prepare students for the exam.

For TOEFL writing tutoring, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and organization and providing strategies for effective brainstorming and time management can be effective in helping students improve their scores. Online resources such as official practice materials and writing guides can also be beneficial.

What are tutoring writing activities?

Tutoring writing activities may include brainstorming sessions, outlining exercises, sentence-level, paragraph-level analysis, and essay writing workshops. Tailoring activities to each student’s level and learning style can help them develop their writing skills meaningfully and engagingly. Additionally, providing constructive feedback on their work and encouraging them to revise and refine their writing can support their growth as writers.

1. creative writing lesson plans

Creative writing lesson plans can involve free writing, character development, and plot mapping exercises to stimulate students’ imagination and creativity. These activities can also help students develop their unique voice and style in their writing.

Related CAMBRIDGE resources for school teachers

if you want more resources: 

Click here to use resources for English teachers – CAMBRIDGE

2. Specify writing strategies 

  • writing strategies for students

Writing strategies for students can include prewriting techniques such as outlining and brainstorming to help organize their thoughts and ideas. Additionally, practicing sentence and paragraph structure can improve their overall writing skills and clarity of expression.

IELTS writing tutoring

For Online IELTS writing tutoring as an IELTS tutor, it is crucial to focus on task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, and grammatical accuracy – the four criteria used to assess writing in the test. Providing targeted feedback on these specific aspects can help students improve their scores.

TOEFL writing tutoring

To become an effective Online TOEFL writing tutor as an TOEFL tutor, it’s important to emphasize the significance of clear and concise writing. Strategies for effective brainstorming and time management can help students improve their scores. Online resources such as official practice materials and writing guides can benefit immensely.

How to tutor essay writing?

To tutor essay writing, it’s essential to focus on creating a solid thesis statement and building a clear and logical argument. Providing examples and evidence to support their claims, teaching effective research strategies, and encouraging revision and editing can also significantly improve students’ writing skills.

How to improve students’ writing skills in English?

To improve writing skills in English for students, it is essential to provide ample opportunities for practice and feedback while tailoring instruction to their specific needs and interests. Peer review and guided editing activities can encourage critical thinking and refine their writing abilities.

How to tutor elementary writing?

To tutor elementary writing, starting with basic skills such as sentence structure and grammar is essential. Building upon these foundations, incorporating fun, creative writing prompts, and utilizing visuals can help engage young learners and develop their writing skills meaningfully.

  • How to teach English writing to beginners?

To teach English writing to beginners, starting with the basics of sentence structure and grammar is essential. Providing clear and simple writing prompts, along with visual aids and hands-on activities, can help scaffold their learning and foster their creativity.

How to be a good English writing tutor?

To be a good English writing tutor, it is essential to be patient, supportive, and understanding of each student’s unique learning style and needs. If you want to know more about how to be a good English tutor in English? You can click and read the article discussing the essential qualities, skills, and strategies needed to become a successful private English teacher. These skills are to Learn how to start teaching English to beginners, tutor a child effectively in the language, make tutoring classes fun by incorporating engaging activities, and so on!

Be one of the best private English tutors in Ostado!

Ostado is an online English tutoring website connecting students to tutors. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced tutor, You can start your online job as a tutor on Ostado for free! We will suggest you to the students looking for a tutor like you! Your introduction page will be made on Ostado, so you and your resume will be seen by many students looking for a tutor. To start your job, go to the Ostado website and register as a tutor; we will evaluate your resume then you will begin your remote career at home.


How do I start writing tutoring?

By registering on the Ostado platform as an online tutor, you can be seen as an online writing tutor by many students looking for an online English writing tutor. Click here to start!

Are writing tutors in demand?

All the English skills tutors are in demand for different goals. you can read all the approaches to progress on your job as an English writing teacher

What skills do writing tutors have?

There are several essential skills that an Online English writing tutor needs to know to be able to work more proficiently. Click here to read all of them!


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