Is writing a perfect lesson plan essential? What do I mean by essential? It means that having a lesson plan before you start your teaching lesson helps you to have a roadmap of what you are going to teach and what topics you are going to cover during the session. Lesson plans are here to give both students and tutors a guide on what they will discuss in each session. Here, we will learn how to write an English-speaking class lesson plan.

What Is a Lesson Plan?

Have you ever been lost in a city while traveling and needed to find a specific place? What would you do? You should definitely take a look at the map of the area. When it comes to teaching, lesson plans help you to find the route that you want to teach. They are your map when it comes to the content that you are willing to teach in a classroom.

A lesson plan is a guide that helps you understand what topics and subjects you need to teach. Take a look at the lesson plan below. It has a few sections, such as Objectives, Materials, and more. We will get to know each part and understand how each part functions:

  • Why do I need a lesson plan as an English tutor?

Lesson plans give the teaching session a great amount of stability. As an Online English Tutor, a lesson plan helps you to translate the curriculum that you need to teach into a bunch of learning activities that you can easily hand out to your students and let them know what you are going to cover in that session. 

  • How do I start my lesson plan?

Based on the article English Tutoring Lesson Plans | English Lesson Plan Template, to start a lesson plan,

How to Write English-Speaking Lesson Plans Step by Step?

In order to create a great lesson plan, you as a tutor, need to follow a few easy steps to be able to identify the needs and materials and put them in a specific format. Now, a lesson plan has a few sections that need to be carefully filled out with the proper data. Let’s take a look at each part and what you should exactly do:

  • Find out what are your lesson objectives

The first step in creating the perfect lesson plan is finding the objectives. It means that you need to specify what are the goals of this teaching session? What part of the curriculum are you going to cover? What are you teaching in this session, and what should the outcomes be? 

Answer these questions for yourself and write down the results in the Objective Section of the lesson plan. You can include a movie or general practice from a famous book that your students find interesting. In the lesson plan below, you can put the objective in the Learning Objective section:

  • Create an Outline

Now, create a timeline of how things will happen since your students walk into the class. You are going to greet them. Then, you can talk about what you are going to teach in that session. If there are any worksheets, now is the time to hand them out to your students. Have a specific amount of time that each task will take and consider them in your lesson plan. You can write some of the activities in the activity section, such as below:

  • Choose your Material

It is important to choose your teaching material carefully. Try to include pieces from a book that can help you start up conversations or have a specific set of grammar rules that align with your goals for this session. Use music and movies and create stellar visuals to both entertain students and teach them in various ways.

  • The Final Stage

Now that you have established what activities you want to consider in your lesson plan and defined your objectives, it is time to use the materials you have gathered and created. You can print this lesson plan and hand it out to your students so that they know what topics are going to be covered in each session. After you have finished your lesson plan, take a look at How to Plan an ESL Speaking Lesson in less than 10 steps | Lesson Plan Template, which gives you a better insight into how you can improve your lesson plan when you are just starting.

Are you looking for English-speaking tutoring jobs? Join Ostado

In Ostado, we proudly offer our tutors the benefit of our six years of experience in the private tutor space. Becoming a tutor in Ostado is a remote job where every tutor can teach from anywhere and anytime. Our selection process ensures that only the best tutors are chosen to join our team, and we closely monitor our tutors’ performance to provide the highest quality education possible.

As an Ostado tutor, you’ll have professional growth and development opportunities as we recruit tutors based on the number of requests in each course and try to make our tutors do as much as possible. Additionally, each tutor is assigned a dedicated supporter who takes care of administrative tasks quickly and efficiently, freeing up time for you to focus on teaching.

What is the best online English tutoring website?

Remote tutoring jobs at Ostado for English teaching include duties that each teacher must meet. These duties include various responsibilities to facilitate practical learning experiences in a virtual environment.

  1. A private online teacher must have sufficient knowledge and expertise. Online English tutoring jobs require skilled and motivated teachers.
  2. The private teacher is responsible for preparing and presenting attractive lessons and must adapt to the learning level of the language learner with various teaching methods.
  3. An online English tutor must create a supportive and motivating environment and actively participate with his students.
  4. Assessing student progress, providing constructive feedback, and handling learner problems are other parts of the duties of private online English tutors.
  5. The private teacher is vital in expanding the study, organizing resources, and providing valuable suggestions to improve learning.

Ultimately, the duties of an online English tutor revolve around fostering academic growth, positive learning experiences, and empowering the learners to achieve their goals.

Join us as an English Speaking Tutor at Ostado!

How to find students to tutor English online?

Go to the Ostado website and register as an online English tutor; we will evaluate your resume, and after qualifying, you can have an introduction page on the Ostado website. Many students worldwide can see your resume as an online private teacher. Join Ostado Tutors and increase your income with a remote tutoring job!

Speaking Lesson Plan For Different Purposes

Lesson plans can be used in various ways. Tutors can use these lesson plans for speaking sessions where their main focus is improving speaking skills with all the material and resources they have. However, these lesson plans can be used for different purposes. Let’s take a look at a few examples of how lesson plans can be curated for different purposes

  • English-speaking lesson plans for adults

No matter if you are going to teach adults or children, having a perfect lesson plan helps everything run smoothly and according to plan. Suppose you are looking to create an English-speaking lesson plan for adults. In that case, you can visit The Lesson Plans by British Council, where you get to choose the level of your students and then create a great lesson plan using templates such as below:

  • English-speaking lesson plans for beginners

Remember that creating a lesson plan is totally dependent on the level of proficiency that your students have. In order to create an English-speaking lesson plan for beginners, you can include topics such as family and hobbies in your learning topics. You can also focus on teaching simple vocabulary that can create a strong foundation for your students. 

  • Lesson plans for Non-English speaking students

Learning a language such as English can be challenging. However, with a great lesson plan that encompasses a variety of tasks and meaningful objectives to achieve, it becomes much easier to learn. You can find many templates for your Non-English speaking lesson plans on the language’s website that gives you many lesson plan templates such as: 

  • Business English-speaking lesson plans

When it comes to students who are willing to step into the world of business, the lesson plan changes based on their needs. For instance, a student who wants to acquire business English speaking skills needs to include business role-playing activities and conversation. Include videos and movies that are related to the corporate world and would help your students improve their formal speaking skills:

  • Elementary English-speaking lesson plans

Creating a sense of eagerness while having fun is important for elementary learners. Make sure to use lots of exciting visual aids and interactive tools to nurture basic vocabulary and simple sentence structure. Also, using videos, games, and songs can help younger elementary learners achieve their goals faster and easier:

  • English speaking lesson plan for IELTS

Creating a simple English-speaking lesson plan for IELTS might look hard to make. The truth is that all you need to do is create a list of objectives and topics you need to cover and choose your material wisely. According to How to make an IELTS lesson plan for teachers and IELTS tutors? Article: you need to create this IELTS lesson plan based on the skill you are going to teach. Here, we have a template that you can use for English speaking in IELTS:

  • English-speaking lesson plans for tutoring jobs in Canada

Lesson plans aim to improve students’ fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation in the IELTS test. It includes warm-up activities, teaching the structure of the test, guided and independent practice, a closing activity, and homework assignments. The plan can be customized based on individual student needs and progress.

Tips to Consider When Writing the Plan for Speaking

As we mentioned in this article, there are many steps and tips you can use to create the perfect English-speaking lesson plan. Here is a list of some of the most important tips to consider when crafting your speaking lesson plan:

  • Know your students and identify their needs
  • Choose your material wisely
  • Create a list of objectives
  • Identify your goals for the session
  • Predict the timing for each task in your lesson plan 
  • Have various methods of assessment 
  • Refine your lesson plan based on your student’s needs

In conclusion, crafting an amazing lesson plan is not rocket science. All you need to do is to have a great understanding of your student’s needs and be able to choose the right material to use. On the other hand, having a list of objectives and goals for each lesson plan helps you to teach according to plan and be able to assess your students’ level of learning at the end of each session. All of these tips, plus your own experience as an online English teacher, help you to curate the best  English-speaking lesson plan.


1. What are the 5 parts of the lesson plan?

An effective lesson plan should include five essential components: the topic, objectives, procedure, time management, and student practice. These elements ensure a well-structured and engaging learning experience. Educators can create purposeful lessons that promote effective teaching and learning by including these key components.

2. How do you plan an English-speaking lesson?

Encourage students to reflect on a challenging English-speaking conversation they’ve had in the past. Ask them how they felt during that experience and what specific aspects were difficult. Assure them that learning a new language takes time and you are dedicated to supporting them and providing assistance as they learn new strategies.

3. How do you write a lesson plan for English teaching?

Here are some points you need to consider when writing the lesson plan:

  • What is the primary focus of the lesson?
  • How can I engage their interest effectively?
  • How can I provide them with meaningful challenges?
  • How much review should be dedicated to their prior knowledge?
  • What are the objectives that should be achieved in this lesson?
  • Which vocabulary should I prioritize in teaching?
  • How can I effectively explain the planned activities?

4. How do I tutor someone in English?

In order to start tutoring someone in English, consider the following steps:

  • Start with a casual English conversation to get in the groove.
  • Ask about the learner’s motivation for improving their English skills.
  • Talk about past experiences with the language.
  • Provide a concise reading comprehension exercise.
  • Assign a writing task for evaluation.
  • Collect and analyze the results.

5. How do you write a detailed lesson plan in English?

A general format of a lesson plan can be like this:

  1. Lesson activities
  2. Lesson materials
  3. Lesson objectives
  4. Lesson goals
  5. Lesson feedback

6. How do you prepare for a speaking lesson?

Here is how you can prepare a great speaking lesson:

  1. Choose the right topic. A bit obvious this one! 
  2. Be specific. Speaking activities with a clear communicative goal work best. 
  3. Give support and preparation time.
  4. Allow learners to work together. 
  5. Provide a clear purpose.

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