English method of teaching is one of the essential things that can help English tutors to teach more efficiently. The best strategies to teach English as a second language are:

  • Direct Method:
  • Grammar-Translation Method
  • Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)Task-Based Language Learning (TBLL)
  • Audio-Lingual Method
  • The Natural Approach

In addition, there are different grammar and reading strategies for teaching English learners, such as Guided Reading, Shared Reading, Reading Aloud and Grammar Games, error Correction, and Grammar in Writing. These are the best methods to teach English as a second language, which can help you to become a professional tutor.

This article will discuss teaching English language learners’ strategies that work for tutors and compare different methods of teaching English.

What are the best English teaching methods?

Direct Method:

In this highly immersive teaching approach, the target language is exclusively used, eliminating any reliance on the learner’s mother tongue. Grammar rules are deliberately avoided, and the main focus is on developing impeccable pronunciation and mastering natural language usage. Through a variety of interactive activities, such as conversation practice and situational role-plays, students are encouraged to think and respond directly in the target language, fostering fluency and spontaneity.

Grammar-Translation Method:

This traditional and systematic method of teaching English places a strong emphasis on explicit instruction of grammar rules and the translation of sentences between the target language and the native language. Students learn grammatical structures and vocabulary and then apply them through the translation of sentences back and forth between their native language and the target language. This method aims to enhance reading and writing skills, as well as develop an understanding of the language’s structure.

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT):

CLT is an innovative approach that places interaction at the core of language learning. It focuses on developing communicative competence through real-life situations and meaningful tasks. Students engage in activities that require them to use the target language to solve problems, negotiate meaning, and express their thoughts and opinions. This approach integrates various language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, to promote effective and authentic communication.

Task-Based Language Learning (TBLL):

Taking a practical and hands-on approach, TBLL engages students in meaningful tasks that reflect real-life language use. These tasks can range from role-playing scenarios, such as visiting a doctor or conducting an interview, to practical situations, like calling customer service for assistance. By actively using the target language to complete tasks, students develop their language skills while also acquiring relevant knowledge and skills related to the task at hand.

Audio-Lingual Method:

Rooted in behavior psychology, the Audio-Lingual Method emphasizes the development of language skills through repetitive practice and reinforcement. Techniques such as dialog memorization, back-and-forth drills, and self-correction are utilized to ingrain correct language patterns and responses. By focusing on listening and speaking skills, this method aims to develop accurate pronunciation, intonation, and fluency, ultimately enabling learners to communicate effectively in the target language.

The Natural Approach:

This teaching approach places a strong emphasis on creating a natural and immersive learning environment. Communication takes precedence over formal grammar instruction, allowing learners to acquire the language naturally, much like how they acquired their mother tongue. The learning environment is carefully designed to be engaging, motivating, and enjoyable, with activities that foster meaningful communication and cultural understanding. By focusing on meaning and context, the Natural Approach aims to develop learners’ communicative competence and confidence in using the target language.

The Silent Way:

In this unconventional teaching method, the teacher takes on a more passive role, allowing students to actively discover and learn new language patterns and vocabulary through self-discovery. Teachers use visual aids, such as colored rods and charts, to help students grasp the meaning of new words and sentence structures without relying on translation. Students are encouraged to participate in problem-solving activities and group work, fostering independence and critical thinking skills.

Selecting one of these English methods of teaching depends on your goals as a tutor, you can use multiple methods and take advantage of some of these strategies to teach English efficiently.

Cambridge method of teaching English

there are several online resources for English tutors. The Cambridge Method, also known as the Cambridge English Teaching Framework, emphasizes holistic language development and follows a student-centered approach. This method aims to empower learners by providing them with the tools and strategies to learn independently, both inside and outside the classroom. Lessons are organized around specific communication goals, and real-life contexts are used to make language learning more applicable and relevant. The method uses an array of resources and materials, including a variety of print and digital resources, to cater to different learning styles and needs.

Regular formative assessments are integral to the Cambridge Method as they provide learners with constructive feedback on their progress, helping them identify their strengths and areas for improvement. This approach ensures that learners not only acquire language proficiency but also develop the skills to continue learning and improving even after their formal education ends.

For instance, students might study the grammar and vocabulary relevant to “making plans” and then practice these skills by simulating a planning session for a weekend trip. This situational language learning promotes comprehension and fluidity, making the learning process both practical and engaging. This method is widely recognized and implemented by educational institutions around the world, including Cambridge University.

Here is the link for those who want to follow Cambridge direct method of teaching English examples:

Cambridge English Teaching Methodology

How to start teaching English online?

Ostado is the perfect platform for tutors and students who want to learn English in the comfort of their own homes. Tutors who use Ostado will benefit from several features including an intuitive, user-friendly interface that allows them to quickly and easily search for available tutoring opportunities, or post their own with ease. They can also quickly connect with potential tutors and students in real-time, making it easy to build relationships and create long-term teaching partnerships.

Registering on Ostado is free and our platform allows anyone from anywhere around the world to access our services with ease. So, don’t wait any longer; join us today at Ostado and get ahead in your conversation English skills.

What are the benefits of becoming a tutor on Ostado?

In Ostado, we proudly offer our tutors the benefit of our 6 years of experience in the private tutor space. Becoming a tutor in Ostado is a remote job where every tutor can teach from anywhere and anytime.

Our selection process ensures that only the best tutors are chosen to join our team, and we closely monitor the performance of our tutors to provide the highest quality education possible.

As an Ostado tutor, you’ll have professional growth and development opportunities as we recruit tutors based on the number of requests in each course and try to make our tutors do as much as possible. Additionally, each tutor is assigned a dedicated supporter who takes care of administrative tasks quickly and efficiently, freeing up time for you to focus on teaching.

Online English tutoring jobs in Ostado!

How are the classes paid?

At Ostado, we aim to make the payment process for our classes as easy and straightforward as possible. To pay for a class, students can use our secure deposit link, which accepts various forms of payment including credit cards and PayPal. Once payment is received, we handle all payments to tutors every week so they can focus on providing you with the best learning experience possible. We strive to ensure that all payments are processed accurately and on time.

Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

Teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) encompasses a wide range of strategies and approaches aimed at facilitating effective language learning. One popular method is Total Physical Response (TPR), which involves incorporating physical movements and actions to reinforce language comprehension. Another approach is Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), where language instruction is integrated with subject content, fostering a deeper understanding of both language and subject matter.

Suggestopedia is a method that utilizes relaxation and music to create an optimal learning environment, while Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) incorporates technology to enhance language learning experiences. Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) emphasizes collaborative activities and group work to promote interaction and communication among learners. Lastly, the Lexical Approach focuses on the importance of vocabulary and collocations in language acquisition.

Each method has its strengths and weaknesses, and experienced TESOL instructors often combine different methods to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of individual learners. By employing a variety of strategies, TESOL practitioners strive to create engaging and effective language learning experiences for their students.

Methods of Teaching Reading in English

Teaching reading in English requires a balanced approach, incorporating a variety of methods to cater to diverse learning styles and literacy levels. Here are some strategies for teaching grammar to English language learners:

1. Phonics Approach:

This foundational method emphasizes letter-sound relationships, teaching learners to decode words by breaking them down into their constituent sounds. Phonics instruction includes activities such as identifying sounds in spoken words and matching these sounds to letters and letter combinations.

2. Whole-Language Approach:

Whole-language teaching values the context of language, encouraging learners to understand words and sentences in their entirety. Learners engage with whole texts, fostering a holistic understanding of language use. This method nurtures reading comprehension and appreciation for literature.

3. Guided Reading:

In guided reading, the teacher provides support, gradually releasing responsibility to the learner as their confidence and proficiency grow. This method is beneficial for developing strategic reading habits and comprehension skills.

4. Shared Reading:

This method involves students jointly reading a text with the teacher. Shared reading promotes interaction, collaboration, and discussion, helping to build vocabulary and comprehension.

5. Reading Aloud:

A teacher or a parent reading aloud to children provides exposure to rich language and complex sentence structures, enhancing their listening and comprehension skills.

While individual methods have their merits, an effective reading program often blends multiple methods, tailoring instruction to individual learner needs and promoting a lifelong love for reading.

Effective Methods of Teaching English Grammar

Teaching grammar effectively to English language learners requires a combination of diverse strategies to cater to different learning styles and proficiency levels. If you want to know What are the effective methods of teaching English grammar?

 Here are some robust methods that have proven to be successful:

Contextual Learning:

Grammar rules taught in isolation can be complex for students to grasp. Contextual learning involves teaching grammar within the context of real-life situations or texts, helping students to understand how grammatical rules are applied in practice.

Discovery Learning:

Rather than presenting the rules directly, this method encourages students to discover them through guided activities or problem-solving tasks. It promotes active learning and critical thinking.

Grammar Games:

Engaging students in grammar games is a fun and interactive way to teach grammar rules. Games not only make learning enjoyable but also encourage practice and repetition, which can enhance the retention of grammar rules.

Error Correction:

Teachers can use students’ errors as opportunities for learning. Focused feedback and corrective exercises can help students understand their mistakes and learn the correct forms.

Grammar in Writing:

Incorporating grammar instruction into writing activities allows students to apply what they’ve learned in a practical context. Feedback on their writing can help them improve their grammar and editing skills.

The key to effective grammar instruction is flexibility. Teachers should be prepared to adapt their methods based on students’ needs, interests, and progress. Combining different methods can keep grammar instruction engaging and compelling, promoting students’ language proficiency.

If you want to know more about teaching English grammar, click the link below:

How to teach English grammar? Tips for tutors

Comparing and Contrasting Grammar Teaching Methods


Grammar teaching methods vary significantly in their approaches to language instruction. For instance, the traditional method focuses primarily on the explicit instruction of grammar rules and translation exercises. This approach can provide students with a strong understanding of the structural aspects of the language but may lack the practical engagement that aids in the development of conversational competence.

In contrast, the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and Task-Based Language Learning (TBLL) methods prioritize interaction and application of the language in real-life contexts. While these approaches may not emphasize grammar instruction to the same extent as the traditional method, they cultivate practical language skills and fluency, making the learning process more dynamic and engaging.

The Audio-Lingual Method, on the other hand, adopts repetitive practice and reinforcement techniques to ingrain correct language patterns and responses. Although this method can help students develop accurate pronunciation and fluency, it might not foster the same level of grammatical understanding as the traditional method.

Lastly, the Silent Way offers a unique approach, pushing students to discover and learn language components independently. While this method encourages critical thinking and autonomy, it might not provide sufficient direct instruction for students who thrive on clear, explicit grammar rules.

In summary, each method has its strengths and potential limitations. The choice of method should ideally be tailored to the needs, preferences, and learning styles of the students.

Which Teaching Method is Best and Why?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which teaching method is best, as it largely depends on the learner’s unique needs, preferences, and context. For learners who prefer structured learning and are aiming to acquire a deep understanding of grammatical rules, the traditional method might be most effective. For those who thrive in interactive settings and aim to acquire conversational skills quickly, methods like Communicative Language Teaching or Task-Based Language Learning might be more suitable.

The Audio-Lingual Method could be beneficial for learners focusing on improving pronunciation and fluency. Meanwhile, independent learners might resonate with the Silent Way. Ultimately, the best teaching method is the one that effectively caters to the learner’s objectives and learning style while fostering a positive and engaging learning environment. It’s also worth noting that a combination of methods applied strategically can often yield the best results.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the effectiveness of a teaching method is mainly subjective and varies based on the learners’ goals and potential, objectives, and learning styles. From the traditional method to modern approaches like Communicative Language Teaching and Task-Based Language Learning, each has its unique strengths and potential limitations. Therefore, an eclectic approach that combines elements from different methods can often prove to be the most fruitful. This ensures that learners engage with the language in multiple ways, thereby solidifying their understanding and usage of English grammar. Remember, the ultimate goal is to foster a love for language learning and to equip learners with the skills they need to communicate effectively in English.

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Our extensive experience in education has led us to believe that private tutoring is the most effective method for academic success. We have carefully selected and partnered with top tutors in various fields who undergo a thorough evaluation process and continuous performance monitoring to ensure the highest quality of education. Ostado is trying to give this opportunity to all tutors worldwide to have their job at home and will stay with you on the way to progress.

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1. What is the best teaching method for teaching English?

There are several strategies for teaching English language learners, such as Direct Method, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), and Task-Based Language Learning (TBLL). Click here to read all the tutoring methods in English.

What are the three main teaching methods? Here are the five methods of teaching the English language: Direct Method, Grammar-Translation MethodCommunicative Language Teaching (CLT), Task Based Language Learning (TBLL), and Audio-Lingual Method. You can click here to read the best method of teaching English

2. What is the fastest language learning method?

While teaching English, speed shouldn’t be a tutor’s priority. Because quality is a more critical factor, click here to read the best English teaching strategies.


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