Some of the tutoring best practices are: 

  •       Embrace honesty.
  •       Embody flexibility.
  •       Practice patience.
  •       Cultivate active listening.
  •       Share your own experiences willingly.
  •       Foster collaboration.
  •       Teach students the art of learning.
  •       Exude confidence.

These tutoring practices are helpful when it comes to teaching all sorts of students from various backgrounds. Tutors should try to connect with their students and try to cultivate a warm and engaging environment that motivates students to learn with eagerness. Then come the exams and quizzes that should be a part of the teaching assessment and not like a big obstacle, full of stress and disappointment for students. In this article, we will delve deeper into this topic and talk about tutoring best practices.

How Do You Structure a Good Tutoring Session?

An excellent tutoring session has some specific factors that you need to consider. Based on the tips that are presented at the Guidelines for Tutors article, these factors help all the tutors to make the best out of their sessions. A unique tutoring session that leaves the students with something they have learned and eagerness to learn more is the key and the ideal session that each tutor desires. Let’s take a glance at how a tutor at any level can construct an unforgettable class session:

  • Do a quick warm up

You just walked into your class or entered the online teaching platform. Talk to your students about the topic that you are going to teach them today. Ask some questions in the beginning and let your pupils know that they are going to get the answers to these questions later on in the session. Use humor and a warm tone to ignite that learning fire in your students. Explain a little bit more about the challenges you are going to pose in this session and the content you are going to cover.

  • Teach the main lesson

This is the second part of a great tutoring session. Now, you are in the central part of the session, which is where the more significant chunk of the lesson is taught. Explain the main concepts to your students and use your techniques to create a great lesson for your students. Engage them in your teaching process, and do not be the solo speaker of the session. Let your students shine and feel supported during this period, leaving them confident and excited about what they have just learned.

  •  Do a quick recap

This is probably the last 5 to 15 minutes of the session. A great time to do a quick review of what you have taught and focused on during the session. Include your main points and things that are trickier to remember. Answer your students’ questions and make sure to point back to the content that was taught during the session. Also, do not forget to give them a heads-up about future sessions and what they can expect in case they want to do a quick pre-study for the next session in the meantime.

  • Bonus Tip: Do this if you want to have a successful tutoring session!

Although running a successful teaching session requires excellent planning skills and preparation, based on the article How to structure a tutoring session, you can come up with creative methods to change the vibe. You can use music or video clips that are both informative and fun and liven up the formal tutoring session.

What is The Most Important Thing As a Tutor?

I know you all want a quick answer to this question. The truth is that there is no SINGLE characteristic that a teacher can own to be considered a perfect tutor. It’s instead a set of traits that, if they are given time to be instilled in your teaching techniques, can be fruitful and create astonishing results:

  • Listen, listen, listen!

Students have questions. At times, there are dark spots in their minds that only a great tutor can enlighten. Carefully listen to what your student is asking you, and do not answer quickly. Take your time if needed. Answer their questions in a way that is both open-ended and effective. If you listen with consideration and passion, you are halfway there to give a fitting answer.

  • Assess your students, not scare them!

Quizzes, final and midterm exams. We all have been there. A period of time that can bring a lot of unnecessary pressure and stress. It is great to evaluate your students and find out how much they have learned. Inform them in advance if you are going to take a quiz and also specify the subjects. After the exam, you can adapt to their learning methods and change your techniques or even improve them based on the results and their feedback.

  • Trace back to yourself!

As I mentioned in the last paragraph, time to curate your lesson plans and strategies based on your student’s feedback. Do you want to be that perfect teacher that everyone wants to have a class with? Try to connect and understand your student’s needs, and always be on the hunt for methods and factors that can make your lessons specific and tailored to each student’s needs.

Teachers’ Best Practices For Tutoring? Ten Essential Practices For Tutors

Here, I want to give you a quick list of the best practices a tutor can have to be both practical and entertaining. A list of these practices are here to give you a better perspective on the best tutoring practices:

  • Have flexibility

As a tutor, you need to be able to reschedule your lessons, incorporate students’ needs into your lesson plan based on their feedback and your understanding, and keep things moving with energy and excitement!

  • Be Honest

Lying never works. It does not work in real life, let alone teaching. Honesty attracts students and creates a safe environment for them to be vulnerable and learn without being judged or misunderstood.

  • Listen Wisely

Listening is such a critical practice that I keep mentioning it in every paragraph. Not many tutors know how to listen effectively to their students. Listen well so that you can understand your students well and be able to give them proper answers.

  • Keep it Professional

There is a thin line between being friendly and warm while being professional and being over the top in professionalism. Find this characteristic in yourself and improve it to cultivate a second-to-none learning environment.

  • Talk about your experiences.

Students love to hear about your exciting experiences that can be helpful to them. Talk about things that have happened to you in the context of the lesson to create a deeper connection with your pupils.

  • Keep your Patience

Show that you are a patient tutor who is willing to help and teach as if time is not an issue. The best thing you can do is to take your time to think about your response and explain it in a way that fits your student.

  • Teach them how to learn!

I am not joking when I say that most of the tutors do not know how to teach their students the curves of learning. Enlighten them about methods they can use on their own if they want to learn anything they want.

  • Be confident

Whether you are an expert tutor or a newbie, just have confidence in what you are teaching. You are here no matter your background and experience, so make the best out of this situation. A teacher with confidence instills the same level of confidence in their students.

  • Use resources wisely

According to the video 7 Effective Teaching Strategies For The Classroom, never use too many resources. Use technology in your class and make sure that you keep it aligned with your goals. Keep your teaching material simple, informative, and fun. There is always a perfect time to explore various subjects and resources, but the best results come from using a few perfect resources until they have nothing more to offer. 

  • Collaborate!

Collaboration with your students is like having a great friendship that is full of learning and exploring exciting topics. Remember, teaching and learning are both beneficial for students and tutors.

Start Online Tutoring at Home and Increase Your Income As an English Tutor!

Becoming an Online English Tutor can be daunting. However, this situation is different when it comes to Online English Tutoring. The Ostado platform creates the best environment for teachers from around the world to teach English effortlessly from the comfort of their homes.

In Ostado, we proudly offer our tutors our six years of experience in the private tutor space. Becoming a tutor in Ostado is a great opportunity that is presented as a remote job where every tutor can teach from anywhere and anytime. Our selection process ensures that only the best tutors are chosen to join our team, and we closely monitor our tutors’ performance to provide the highest quality education possible.

As an Ostado tutor, you’ll have professional growth and development opportunities as we recruit tutors based on the number of requests in each course and try to make our tutors do as much as possible. Additionally, each tutor is assigned a dedicated supporter who takes care of administrative tasks quickly and efficiently, freeing up time for you to focus on teaching.

English Tutoring Jobs Online at the Ostado website. Join us!

What is the best online English tutoring website?

Remote tutoring jobs at Ostado for English teaching include duties that each teacher must meet. These duties include various responsibilities to facilitate practical learning experiences in a virtual environment.

  • A private online teacher must have sufficient knowledge and expertise. Online English tutoring jobs require skilled and motivated teachers.
  • The private teacher is responsible for preparing and presenting attractive lessons and must adapt to the learning level of the language learner with various teaching methods.
  • An online English tutor must create a supportive and motivating environment and actively participate with his students.
  • Assessing student progress, providing constructive feedback, and handling learner problems are other parts of the duties of private online English tutors.
  • The private teacher is vital in expanding the study, organizing resources, and providing valuable suggestions to improve learning.

Ultimately, the duties of an online English tutor revolve around fostering academic growth, positive learning experiences, and empowering the learners to achieve their goals.

How to find students to tutor English online?

Go to the Ostado website and register as an Online English tutor; we will evaluate your resume, and after qualifying, you can have an introduction page on the Ostado website. Many students worldwide can see your resume as an online private teacher. Join Ostado Tutors and increase your income with a remote tutoring job!

To find online english job opportunities in Canada and USA:

Online English tutoring jobs in Canada

Online English Tutoring Jobs in USA

English Online Tutoring Best Practices

Online tutoring practices are not that different from the ones that you need to have if you want to teach in person. However, there are some differences that you need to consider if you want to become the perfect online teacher.

Some of the online tutoring best practices can be earned with experience. Just make sure to think long-term when it comes to the communication between a tutor and a student. You need to consider all the needs of each individual and try to craft your material based on their needs.

  • Writing tutor training best practices

Remember to create an environment where you can comfortably establish rapport with your student as a writer. Talk to your students and ask them what they want to focus on. In this way, you can easily guide them if they have any questions along the way.

What Makes a Tutoring job Successful?

What are the three most essential skills for tutoring? Probably Patience, Active listening, and flexibility. These three factors are like an essential pyramid of skills that you need to acquire or improve in yourself to become a better tutor. Keep in mind that these are skills, and they can quickly be learned and improved if needed.

Online English tutoring is one of the most in-demand jobs right now. If you are looking to jump-start your online teaching career, this is the best time. All you need to do is understand these tutoring best practices so that you can fully incorporate them into your teaching sessions. Also, the best online English teaching platform at the moment is Ostado. Do not waste your time and start teaching!


  • What makes a tutor a good tutor?

Be a good listener. When tutoring children, actively listen and understand their learning challenges. Remember, you don’t have to dominate the conversation. Children are more honest and open when they feel heard and valued. Take time to engage with them indeed!

  • How can I make my tutoring more engaging?

Discover 4 Ways to Infuse Fun into Tutoring Sessions:

  1.     Request the student to instruct the tutor.
  2.     Select subjects that genuinely captivate the student.
  3.     Allocate appropriate intervals for breaks.
  4.     Foster open and sincere communication. 
  • What do parents look for in a tutor?

When choosing a tutor, parents should prioritize a kind and friendly personality. Students need to feel comfortable with their tutor, so the matching process should consider their personality, learning style, and strengths.


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