You’ve got to do a few important tutoring dos and don’ts when you step into the shoes of a teacher. In this article, we’ll unravel the critical activities that you should avoid as a private tutor and what you should do to become a great one. Get the tips you need to make your tutoring sessions effective, ethical, and empowering.

The top 8 forbidden activities while tutoring are:

  1. Lack of Preparation
  2. Poor Communication
  3. Overdependence on Technology
  4. Being Overly Authoritative
  5. Not Adapting to Student Needs
  6. Ignoring Feedback
  7. Lack of Patience
  8. Being Chronically Late

This article covers eight of the major forbidden tutoring activities. These include not being prepared, not communicating well, relying too much on technology, and being too authoritative. This list also includes failing to adapt to students’ needs, ignoring feedback, not being patient, and being chronically late. You should try avoiding these traps if you want great, productive, and happy classes.

What Is the Biggest Challenge as A Tutor?

The most challenging obstacle you might face as a private tutor is often the ability to understand and adapt your teaching to the unique learning styles and paces of different students. Each student brings their own set of strengths, weaknesses, interests, and backgrounds to the classroom. Therefore, there can be no one-size-fits-all approach to teaching.

A private tutor must be flexible and adaptive, able to change teaching strategies to meet the needs of each student. Tutors who don’t have these skills may have trouble keeping students engaged and learning. They’ve got to have a strong grasp of their subject matter, a knack for communication, empathy, and patience.

What Not to Do as A Tutor? 8 Forbidden Activities While Tutoring

Now, let’s go through 8 forbidden activities while tutoring! These mistakes can make you less effective as a tutor and make the student’s learning harder. Listed below are some tutoring do’s and don’ts to help you tame potential challenges. Keep them in mind when trying to teach your students something engaging and meaningful.

  • Lack of Preparation

Don’t ever step into a tutoring session unprepared because it can lead to disaster! The best way to plan and prepare your session in advance is to take your student’s needs and learning styles into account. When you craft a custom lesson plan, gather relevant materials, and anticipate potential challenges, you can make your lessons effective and engaging. If you’re well-prepared, you’re confident and successful!

To learn more about English Tutoring Lesson Plans, click on the link and never go to class unprepared again!

  • Poor Communication

It is absolutely crucial that, as a tutor, you build effective and clear communication with your students. Poor communication can result in misunderstandings and, even worse, disengagement. You don’t want that in any class, right? The best way to avoid these pitfalls is to explain concepts clearly and concisely, using examples and real-life examples whenever possible. In other words, you need to have level adaptation. Additionally, make sure you constantly check for understanding throughout your sessions. This will show you which areas need further clarification or reinforcement. Strong communication skills help tutors create a learning environment that inspires students to succeed. 

Click on the following link to read on how you can elevate your communication skills in a tutoring session.

  • Overdependence on Technology

Technology is, without a shred of doubt, one of the most important tools every tutor should use in their classes these days. However, you should be extremely careful not to overuse it! Technology is a welcome guest in every tutoring session as it can greatly enhance learning experiences and the overall quality of the session. In spite of that, it is crucial to keep a balance and only use it as a tool that helps learning rather than completely replacing it with a private tutor. Therefore, maintain the use of technology in your classes mindfully, and you will be fine.

  • Having Too Much Authority

If you’re too authoritative in the classroom, your students will most likely lose motivation and may not want to engage much anymore. Hence, they will also lose their potential for growth. Our job as private tutors is to create a collaborative learning environment so that we can communicate openly and get our students involved. Our goal is to create a space where they will feel comfortable asking their questions, sharing their thoughts, and collaborating with others.

Take a look at this article if you want to learn some useful strategies to build on student collaboration in the classroom.

  • Not Adapting to Student Needs

As we mentioned earlier, everyone has different learning styles and needs. Private tutors need to be able to adapt their teaching methods for each student individually and customize them accordingly. If tutors succeed in doing so, they can build engaging learning environments in their classes. This shouldn’t be ignored since it may gradually make your students feel disheartened and detached.

  • Ignoring Feedback

It’s essential to listen to your students’ positive and negative comments and use them to improve your teaching. Getting feedback is a great way to keep improving. Put it on your list of things to do to promote continuous improvement in your teaching practice. Also, keep in mind that it’s not just about growth but also about building trust and mutual respect between tutors and students.

Are you wondering how to give effective feedback to your students? Click on the link to learn!

  • Lack of Patience

For teachers, patience isn’t just a virtue but also a key quality. To be an effective tutor, you need to be patient, understanding, and empathetic. By doing so, you can create a supportive environment that makes your students feel comfortable and empowered to learn at their own pace. 

If you, too, as a tutor, often struggle with remaining patient in your classes, click on the link to read more about how to remain patient when it is needed.

  • Being Late

Obviously, being punctual is crucial in any job, and tutoring isn’t on the exception list yet! You’re more productive and efficient when you show up on time. A tutor who’s always late can mess up the flow of the session and stop students from getting better.

In conclusion, to be a good tutor, you need to work on a combination of skills, like your subject knowledge, communication skills, adaptability, and patience. By avoiding the forbidden activities we just discussed, you can look forward to creating a positive and effective learning environment for your students. 

What Should You Not Do as an Online Tutor?

When you do online tutoring, you need to know some tutoring dos and don’ts. Online tutoring has its own challenges and advantages, so you can’t ignore them. A steady internet connection and a quiet place are key to learning online.

Another forbidden activity in online tutoring is not having a structured lesson plan. You need to guide your students like you do in-person tutoring. It’s important not to ignore feedback or lack patience. If you don’t, it can lead to disorganized tutoring sessions and hinder student progress. It can disrupt learning and ruin the student-tutor relationship.

To learn more about “Why Online Tutoring is The Best?” click on the link to read about how to get quality education regardless of your location or finances with online tutoring. In this article, we talk about how online tutoring has a lot of advantages, including access to a bunch of tutors, innovative learning tools, and life skills. You’ll also discover why online tutoring is cost-effective and how important it is for digital literacy. 

How to Start English Tutoring at Home?

If you ask yourself: Can I become an English tutor online?  Several ways can help you become a private tutor and increase your income! The best ways to become an English private tutor are to make communications, attend teaching courses, and register on online tutoring platforms.

In Ostado, we proudly offer our tutors the benefit of our six years of experience in the tutor space. Becoming a tutor in Ostado is a remote job where every private tutor can teach from anywhere and anytime. Our selection process ensures that only the best tutors are chosen to join our team, and we closely monitor our private tutors’ performance to provide the highest quality education possible.

As an Ostado tutor, you’ll have professional growth and development opportunities as we recruit private tutors based on the number of requests in each course and try to make our tutors do as much as possible. Additionally, each tutor is assigned a dedicated supporter who takes care of administrative tasks quickly and efficiently, freeing up time for you to focus on teaching.

English tutoring jobs online at the Ostado website. Join us!

What is the best online English tutoring website?

Remote tutoring jobs at Ostado for English teaching include duties that each teacher must meet. These duties include various responsibilities to facilitate practical learning experiences in a virtual environment.

  1. A private online teacher must have sufficient knowledge and expertise. Online English tutoring jobs require skilled and motivated teachers.
  2. The private teacher is responsible for preparing and presenting attractive lessons and must adapt to the learning level of the language learner with various teaching methods.
  3. An online English tutor must create a supportive and motivating environment and actively participate with his students.
  4. Assessing student progress, providing constructive feedback, and handling learner problems are other parts of the duties of private online English tutors.
  5. The private teacher is vital in expanding the study, organizing resources, and providing valuable suggestions to improve learning.

Ultimately, the duties of an online English tutor revolve around fostering academic growth, positive learning experiences, and empowering the learners to achieve their goals.

  • How to find students to tutor English online?

Go to the Ostado website and register as an online English tutor; we will evaluate your resume, and after qualifying, you can have an introduction page on the Ostado website, and many students worldwide can see your resume as an online private teacher. Join Ostado Tutors and increase your income with a remote tutoring job!

What should I do as a tutor?

It depends on the subject you’re teaching and the needs of your students, but here are some key do’s for tutors:

  • Understand the Curriculum

Get familiar with the subject matter and curriculum to make sure you’re providing relevant and useful advice.

  • Prepare Lesson Plans

Create comprehensive lesson plans based on each student’s learning style.

  • Provide Clear Explanation

Help students understand complex topics by breaking them down into digestible information.

  • Offer Personalized Feedback

Provide clear, constructive feedback on the student’s progress regularly.

  • Foster a Positive Learning Environment

Make learning fun and motivating by creating a supportive and engaging environment. Be patient and understanding, especially when teaching difficult topics.

  • Enhance Study Skills

Make sure you teach your students effective study habits and techniques.

  • Keep Up the Effective Communication

Keep in touch with your students and their parents (if they are under 18) so you can discuss progress and the areas that need improvement.

  • Constantly Upgrade Yourself

Stay up-to-date with the latest teaching strategies and resources.

Now that we have covered both the do’s and don’ts of tutoring take a look at this table that will wrap it up for us, as well as add some new points:

Do’s of Tutoring Don’ts of Tutoring
1. Be Patient 1. Lack of Patience
2. Be On Time 2. Being late
3. Adapt to Student Needs 3. Overload with Info
4. Encourage Questions 4. Lack of Flexibility
5. Explain Clearly 5. Use Jargon
6. Create a Motivational Environment 6. Being Overly Authoritative
7. Provide Feedback 7. No Feedback
8. Foster Questions 8. Dismiss Questions
9. Prepared for Class 9. Lack of Preparation
10. Set Clear Goals 10. Lack Objectives
11. Celebrate Progress 11. Ignore Progress
12. Be Responsive 12. Be Unresponsive
13. Maintain a functional Tech Use 13. Use Too Much Technology
14. Respect Cultures 14. Disregard Sensitivity
15. Embrace Positive Rapport 15. Poor Communication
16. Set Boundaries 16. Disregard Boundaries
17. Show Empathy 17. Lack of Empathy
18. Be Student-Centered 18. Push Your Agenda
19. Stay Informed 19. Lack of Knowledge
20. Be Enthusiastic 20. Lack of Enthusiasm

What is a good tutor like?

It’s up to you to figure out what makes an effective tutor so you can make sure you’re teaching effectively. 

Here are some of the most important traits of a good tutor:

  • Patient:

By being patient, you let your students take their time grasping new stuff.

  • Adaptable:

Every student learns differently, so tutors have to adjust their teaching methods.

  • Up-To-Date:

You should never stop learning as a tutor. This way, you can give your students up-to-date guidance and advice.

  • Feedback Giver:

Tutors should give constructive feedback to students on their progress.

It’s not just about passing on knowledge; a good tutor inspires, motivates, and builds a rapport with students.

Do you want to know more about “What Do Tutors Do?” If so, you can click on the link to read about comprehensive information on various aspects of offline and online tutoring. Furthermore, you will understand what essential skills private tutors need, strategies for the first tutoring session, the anticipated tutoring challenges, the academic qualifications, and the resources needed for online tutoring.

In conclusion, knowing the subject isn’t the only thing private tutors need to do well. To do so, you must avoid mistakes like being unprepared, poor communication, overreliance on technology, authoritarianism, failure to adapt to students, dismissing feedback, being late, and being impatient.


  1. What Is the hardest part of being a tutor?

The hardest part of being a tutor is managing different learning styles.

  1. What should a good tutor do?

A good tutor should provide expertise and empathy to help students reach their goals.

  1. What should I avoid when tutoring?

Try not to be overly critical or judgmental. Instead, give constructive feedback and create a supportive learning environment.


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