Some of our top tutors at Ostado
How Ostado works?
Select your ideal tutor
Discover your perfect tutor from 1500+ top-quality options

Book a lesson
Select a time on tutors calendar and book your classes.

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About Ostado...
Local expertise, global expansion:
With 8+ years of local success, Ostado is now going global with WorldStartups' support.
Quality assured, support guaranteed:
Count on us for top-notch service and unwavering support, ensuring a smooth learning journey.
Revolutionizing tutoring worldwide:
Our aim is simple: reshape private tutoring globally, powered by our expertise and partnership.
Your satisfaction, our mission:
At Ostado, your satisfaction drives us. Experience hassle-free learning and teaching with us.
About Ostado...

Become a tutor at Ostado
Ostado empowered me to teach and earn from anywhere, anytime

M. Darestani
English tutor
Frequently asked questions
What is Ostado and how does it work?
Welcome to Ostado, the ultimate tutoring platform! Our platform is designed to make it easy for students to find the perfect tutor and for tutors to showcase their expertise.
Getting started is simple: tutors create a profile highlighting their credentials, expertise, and teaching style. Our team of experts carefully reviews each profile to ensure quality and accuracy before activating them on our platform.
Once activated, students can browse tutor profiles, read reviews from other students, and request to register for a special class with their preferred tutor. With Ostado, finding the right tutor has never been easier!
Give us a try today and see why Ostado is the go-to platform for students and tutors!
How do I register a request for a private class?
To register an application, enter the tutor registration page. After choosing the private tutoring field and using the available filters such as price and time, view the list of instructors. Then, by reading the resume of the supervisors, their complete information and the comments of the students, choose the previously desired instructors. Of course, we are committed to introducing the best teacher to you, and Ostado will send your request to other teachers who have performed the best.
How do I find the best tutor for my needs?
Finding the right tutor can be challenging, but at Ostado, we make it easy for you. We carefully get to know our tutors in detail to provID:e you with a list of available tutors who meet your specific needs. Once you have selected the tutors you are interested in from this list, your request will be sent directly to other tutors whose performance has been evaluated as excellent by Ostado. When multiple tutors accept your request, you can easily choose the tutor that best fits your preferences from the available options. So, don't worry about finding the perfect tutor - we've got you covered!
What is the next step after filing an application?
After submitting your request, we will share it with the tutors you selected and other highly-rated tutors evaluated by Ostado. Once the tutors respond, you can choose your desired tutor from those who have accepted your request.
What is Ostado?
Ostado is an online tutoring platform that helps students to find a proper English tutor in a safe and secure online environment. Ostado has provided the best tutors list where students can see every tutor's resume, skills, nationality, and all vital information needed for choosing a private teacher. You can compare the tutors and pick one.
Ostado as a tutoring website will also help you narrow the selections and choose one based on your needs. Our priority is to make learning English easy and affordable. As an online tutoring site, we are committed to suggesting you the best tutor by focusing on the skills you need.
From which countries and cities can I take classes?
All the learning processes in Ostado are online. So, no matter where you are right now! You can choose your tutor first, then start your class with a private tutor from the comfort of your home.
What age group can take online classes in Ostado?
All the individuals who need to learn English can have a private tutor. No matter what grade or age you are. Ostado can help you find a proper tutor for yourself or your child.
How much should I charge for private teachers?
The rates of online private tutors differ based on factors such as the tutor's experiences or the course level. There is a price range for the tutors that you can choose your proper one from this range which is available on our tutor list. In addition, you can always see every tutor's rate on their introduction page.
How can I cooperate as a private tutor?
If you want to start your job as a tutor, you can sign in on Ostado and write your skills and resume. We will evaluate your resume, and after qualification, you can start your job as an online English tutor!