Teaching high school English is a rewarding but challenging task that requires a strategic method and a proper understanding of teens’ learning needs. Some tutors might wonder how to teach English to high school students. A high school English teacher should keep in mind to:

  • Unravel the beauty of language
  • Develop critical thinking
  • Improve writing skills
  • Create engaging lessons
  • Provide constructive feedback

In this article, we are covering all the information you need before starting your career as a high school English teacher providing requirements, methodology, resources and main steps to become a professional English teacher.

High school English teacher requirements | Certifications and Skills

High school English teachers must gain excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. They should also have a strong understanding of the English language, including grammar rules and sentence structure. An English degree or relevant education is typically suggested for this job position, along with state teaching certification or experience.

In order to effectively meet the demands of teaching English in high school, an English tutor needs to possess certain skills and certifications, which are included in the following sections.

Certifications needed for high school English teacher:

1. Educational Certification

A Bachelor’s degree in English or a related field is typically a minimum requirement. Additionally, a Master’s degree in education or English, or a teaching credential, is often preferred.

2. Teaching Credential

Most regions require teachers to have a teaching credential such as a Single Subject Teaching Credential in English for high school teachers. This credential usually needs a bachelor’s degree in English or education and completion of a teacher preparation program and courses.

3. Bachelor’s Degree in English or Education

This degree provides a foundational understanding of English literature, language, and grammar, as well as teaching methods and principles.

4. Master’s Degree in Education or English

While this degree is not always required, a master’s degree can offer deeper insights into the subject matter and advanced teaching strategies. This degree also can lead to higher pay and more job opportunities.

5. State Certification or License

Every state has its own requirements for teacher certification or licensure. It usually involves a bachelor’s degree, completion of a teacher preparation program, and also passing a series of exams.

6. ESL or TESOL Certification

Having the certification of English as a Second Language (ESL) or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) can be highly valuable. It trains teachers on strategies to help non-native English speakers.

7. National Board Certification

This voluntary certification goes beyond state licensure. It represents a teacher’s ability to meet high standards in teaching English language arts to teenagers and young adults.

Importance of Educational Certifications for a High School English Teacher

The role of a high school English teacher is complex and needs a special skill setting. Having the proper educational certifications ensures not only the teacher’s proficiency in English language and literature, but also their understanding of effective teaching principles and methodologies. These certifications are a testament to the teacher’s ability to plan teaching lessons, manage classrooms, and use different instructional strategies.

They prepare the teacher to address different learning styles, while enabling the delivery of an inclusive English curriculum. Moreover, certifications often include portions of child psychology and development, helping the teacher realize and navigate the specific challenges posed by the teenage years. Hence, the importance of educational certifications for a high school English teacher cannot be underestimated.

Skills needed for high school English teacher

● Strong Communication Skills

As a high school English teacher, you are expected to have excellent verbal and written communication skills. You should be able to organize your thoughts clearly and effectively in order to engage your students.

● Experience in Teaching

While not always required, having experience as a teacher or tutor is highly beneficial. This will help you better understand the needs of your teenage students.

● Licensure

Many regions require high school English teachers to hold a state-specific teaching license. This often involves passing some relevant tests and completing a valuable teacher education program.

● Strong Knowledge of English

This goes without saying, but it is worth mentioning that a high school English teacher must have an excellent understanding of English literature, grammar, and writing techniques.

● Communication Skills

Teachers must be able to effectively communicate complex ideas in ways that their students can be understood.

● Patience and Empathy

Working with teenagers can be extremely hard and stressful. Teachers must have patience and show understanding towards their students’ struggles.

● Creativity

To engage students in this age, teachers often need to present material in interesting and innovative ways.

Curious about other English teaching aids and materials? Follow the links bellow:

● Organizational Skills

Teachers must have prepared lesson plans, grade assignments, and manage a classroom, all of which require excellent organizational skills.

Remember, the journey to becoming a highly effective high school English teacher is a continuous one. The more you learn and adapt, the more your students benefit.

How to motivate high school students? | Techniques and Outcomes

Motivating high school students can be a challenging yet rewarding aspect of being an English teacher. Employing various strategies can assist in raising a love for learning and a drive to succeed within students.

1. Create Relevance:

Connect the curriculum with real-life situations and applications. This makes learning feel more relevant and practical to the students. When teaching a novel or a play, for instance, discuss its themes in the context of contemporary issues.

2. Set High but Achievable Expectations:

Setting high expectations motivates students to push their boundaries. However, these goals should be realistic and achievable to prevent discouragement.

3. Offer Positive Reinforcement:

Praise and recognition go a long way in boosting a student’s confidence and motivation. Celebrating students’ achievements, no matter how small, can encourage them to keep striving.

4. Build a Safe and Positive Learning Environment:

An environment where students feel safe while expressing their thoughts and ideas can exceptionally improve their motivation to learn and use the language. Teachers should encourage open discussions and respect for diverse opinions.

5. Incorporate Variety in Teaching Methods:

Different students have different learning styles. Mixing traditional lectures with interactive activities, audio-visual content, and group work can cater to these varied styles and keep the lessons engaging.

What should I teach English for beginners? Where to Begin?

Teaching English to beginners, particularly in a high school setting, should start with the basics: understanding and using simple vocabulary and grammar, building reading and listening skills, and practicing pronunciation. The focus should be on creating a supportive environment that encourages students to communicate in English and use new structures as well, even if it’s just a few words or sentences at first.

As they progress, more complex topics such as writing and critical thinking can be introduced to the students. It’s very important to tailor lessons to the individual needs of students and provide a variety of activities to keep them engaged and participating in activities and conversations. Don’t forget to incorporate cultural aspects into your lessons, as it helps with language acquisition and understanding.

The curriculum can be divided into key areas such as Alphabet Learning: ensuring students can identify and pronounce all 26 letters, Basic Vocabulary: introducing everyday words used in common situations, Simple Sentences: teaching the structure of basic sentences and encouraging students to make their own, Reading and Listening Comprehension: using simple texts and audios to develop these skills, and finally Conversational Practice: encouraging students to engage in basic dialogue, which can greatly enhance their confidence and fluency in English.

Remember, the key to teaching English to beginners is patience, repetition, and making the learning process enjoyable through games, visual aids, and interactive activities.

Need more information about “How to teach English to Beginners”? This post will guide you on essential tips and steps to have better and more effective teaching experience

Activities to teach English to high school students | Pros and Cons

Teaching English to high school students can be a challenging task. However, with the right set of teaching activities for high school students English, it can become significantly easier and more enjoyable. Here are some effective activities, along with their pros and cons:




Interactive Storytelling Encourages creativity, improves vocabulary, and enhances speaking skills May intimidate shy students
Debates and Discussions Promotes critical thinking, improves articulation, and boosts confidence Could lead to disagreements or conflicts if not properly managed
Role-Playing Empowers students to learn through real-life scenarios and enhances their conversational skills May not be appealing to all students
Grammar Games Makes learning grammar fun and competitive, which can enhance understanding May not cover all aspects of grammar
Group Reading Sessions Promotes teamwork and improves reading comprehension Some students may depend on others, not fully participating
Writing Workshops Provides an opportunity for students to enhance their writing skills May be daunting for students who struggle with writing

Remember, the goal of these activities is not merely to teach English, but also to foster a love for the language while enhancing essential skills. The key to successful implementation depends on recognizing and applying these activities to meet the specific needs of your students.

High school English teacher curriculum

A high school English teacher curriculum should cover several core aspects to ensure a thorough understanding of the language and its literature. Here are the key steps to develop a comprehensive curriculum:

1.    Understand the Learning Objectives

Identify what students should know or be able to do at the end of the course. These objectives should align with state or national standards for English education.

2.    Develop Units

Break down the course into manageable units. Each unit should focus on a specific topic or skill, like reading comprehension, vocabulary development, essay writing, or literary analysis.

3.    Choose Texts and Materials

Select relevant texts for each unit. These could include novels, plays, essays, and poems that exemplify the literary techniques and themes the students need to understand.

4.    Design Lesson Plans

For each unit, create detailed lesson plans that include activities, discussions, and assignments. Mix traditional lectures with interactive activities to keep students engaged and facilitate learning.

5.    Incorporate Assessment

Include quizzes, tests, and other forms of assessment to evaluate student understanding and progress. Make sure to provide feedback to the students to help them improve.

6.    Revise and Refine

After teaching the course, revise the curriculum based on feedback from students and your own observations. Make necessary adjustments to improve the effectiveness of the course.

Remember, a good English curriculum should not only teach language skills but should also raise critical and analytical thinking, enhance cultural understanding, and encourage a lifelong love of reading and learning.

How to teach English to high school students

Teaching English to high school students requires a dynamic and engaging approach. To begin, introduce new concepts, starting with the most important or complex information first. This helps students understand the ‘big picture’ before moving on to specific details. For example, when teaching a new grammar rule, explain the rule first and then provide examples.

Incorporating real-life examples and hands-on activities can also help students better grasp the material. For instance, when teaching a new vocabulary word, have students use it in a sentence related to their lives or interests.

It’s important to create a positive learning environment by encouraging student participation through discussions, group work, and interactive activities. This not only increases engagement but also improves long-term memory and retention of the material.

Additionally, providing structured and differentiated instruction can help students with different levels of English proficiency succeed in the class. This can include offering extra support to struggling students or providing more challenging tasks for advanced learners.

Notes to remember when tutoring English for high school students

  • Incorporate technology, as it offers diverse teaching tools which can cater to different learning styles. For example, you can use video clips, online quizzes, and educational games to reinforce learning.
  • Encourage active learning by having students participate in discussions, debates, and role-playing activities. These activities can foster critical thinking and improve communication skills.
  • Don’t forget to provide regular, constructive feedback. It’s important for students to know their strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Finally, cultivate a positive and supportive learning environment. Make your classroom a place where students feel comfortable making mistakes and asking questions, as these are essential parts of the learning process.

Tutoring for English for high school students can be a great experience for both the tutor and the student. It allows for more personalized instruction, tailored to the individual needs of each student. By focusing on specific areas that students may struggle with, tutoring can help them improve their overall English skills and boost their confidence. Additionally, tutors can provide valuable tips and strategies for studying and test-taking, which can greatly benefit high school

How to start teaching English to high school students online?

Starting to teach English to high school students online can be a rewarding educational approach, especially when working closely with the best online English tutors from various parts of the world. This global collaboration not only improves the quality of education but also introduces students to diverse perspectives and teaching methods.

Step 1: Determine Requirements

To begin this journey, you should first identify the key requirements and tools for online teaching. This includes a reliable internet connection, a quiet and well-lit teaching space, and equipment such as a computer, webcam, and microphone.

Step 2: Choose Your Platform

Next, familiarize yourself with online teaching platforms. There are numerous options available, each with different features, so choose one that best suits your needs and those of your students.

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Step 3: Plan Lessons

Designing engaging online lessons is critical. Incorporate multimedia resources, interactive activities, and real-time feedback to keep students engaged.

Step 4: Build a Professional Network

Collaborate with other online English tutors to develop innovative teaching strategies. This collaborative approach can provide a rich diversity of teaching methods and materials, enhancing the learning experience for students.

Step 5: Build a Regular Communication

Lastly, maintain regular communication with students and parents. This can help in quickly identifying any potential issues and addressing them promptly, ensuring that the students get the most out of their online English learning experience.

English tutoring jobs online in Ostado; Join us!

In Ostado, we proudly offer our tutors the benefit of our six years of experience in the private tutor space. Becoming a tutor in Ostado is a remote job where every tutor can teach from everywhere and anytime. Our selection process ensures that only the best tutors are chosen to join our team, and we closely monitor our tutors’ performance to provide the highest quality education possible.

Benefits of working with Ostado

Ostado pays special attention to online high school English tutoring and has tried to provide the best conditions for tutors. The most important advantages of cooperation with Ostado online tutoring site include the following:

  1. Boost Your Income:Control your earnings and workload with our flexible system—no earnings or working hours limits. Work at your own pace.
  2. Anywhere:Work from anywhere; our platform lets you work wherever you feel most comfortable and productive.
  3. Teach anytime:As a tutor, you will choose when and how much you work to find the perfect balance between earning money and enjoying life.
  4. Large community:Ostado lets you connect with students and tutors worldwide to find new students and share your knowledge and experience.

How can I find students to tutor?

Ostado is trying to give this opportunity to all tutors worldwide to have their job at home and will stay with you on the way to progress. We help you to find more students by introducing you to the ones who are looking for an online private teacher. Join our team and be your boss! So, Register in Ostado!

Wanna know how to get online English tutoring jobs at Ostado? This article will inform you about the requirements, benefits, steps and all you need to know.

How to teach English grammar to high school students | A Step-By-Step Guide

Teaching English grammar to high school students requires a blend of theoretical and practical approaches to ensure a better understanding of the rules and their applications. Here are the key steps to consider:

1. Introduce the grammar topic

Start by introducing the grammar topic. Use simple language to explain the rule and its function in a sentence. For instance, if the topic is ‘Past Perfect Tense’, explain when and why we use it.

2. Use examples

After explaining the rule, provide several examples to define its use. These examples should be clear, concise, and relevant to your students’ lives to make the concept more relatable.

3. Interactive learning

Following the explanation and examples, engage the students in an interactive learning session. This could involve worksheets, quizzes, or even games that require them to apply the grammar rule.

4. Real-life application

Encourage students to use the grammar rule in real-life scenarios. They could be asked to write sentences or short paragraphs using the grammar rule. This helps them to understand how that particular rule works in various contexts.

5. Regular revision

Regular revision is essential to encourage learning. Use different strategies for revision, such as flashcards, quizzes, or peer teaching.

Remember, patience and practice are key when teaching English grammar. It’s critical to create a supportive environment where students feel comfortable asking questions or requesting clarification. This will enhance their learning experience and build their confidence in using English grammar correctly.

Best resources to teach English grammar to high school students

There are many printed grammar books that can aid in teaching English to high school students. Here are some top recommendations:

1. “Understanding and Using English Grammar” by Betty Schrampfer Azar:

This is a comprehensive guide to English grammar that includes clear explanations, plenty of examples, and numerous exercises for practice.

2. “The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation” by Jane Straus:

Straus’s guide is an easy-to-use book that provides simple explanations of grammar, punctuation, and usage rules.

3. “Grammar in Use” by Raymond Murphy:

Known for its straightforward explanations and practical exercises, this book is a favorite among ESL teachers.

4. “Oxford Modern English Grammar” by Bas Aarts:

This book offers an in-depth look at English grammar, making it suitable for high school students looking for a deeper understanding.

5. “The Grammar Book: An ESL/EFL Teacher’s Course” by Marianne Celce-Murcia:

This book emphasizes understanding over rote memorization, approaching grammar teaching through a communicative method.

Remember, the key to effective teaching is adaptability. Try different resources and see what works best for your students.

Remember, utilizing these resources should supplement, not substitute, the interactive and dynamic teaching experience in the classroom. Tailoring these resources to the specific needs of the students can significantly enhance their grammar skills and confidence in using English.

Basic English lessons for high school students

English lessons for high school students should not only focus on grammar, but also on other aspects like vocabulary, comprehension, pronunciation, writing skills, and reading skills. Plus, it requires high school English teachers or tutors to adopt adaptive and interactive methods to ensure students grasp the complexities of the language.

Lessons should be structured, but also offer room for interactive activities that promote language usage. These activities might include debates, role-plays, presentations, creative writing tasks, or reading circles. The use of multimedia resources such as films, songs, or online games can also make lessons more engaging and relevant to the students’ interests.

It’s also beneficial to provide students with regular feedback and opportunities for self-assessment. This can help them identify their strengths and areas for improvement, encouraging self-directed learning. Remember, English lessons for high school students are about much more than teaching the language; they are also about fostering skills like critical thinking, creativity, and confidence.

Teaching Aids for High School English Teachers

Teaching aids play a significant role in enriching the learning experience, particularly for complex subjects such as English. Here are some types of teaching aids that high school English teachers or tutors can utilize:

1. Whiteboards/Blackboards

These are traditional yet effective tools for visual demonstrations. Can be used to explain grammar rules, write down vocabulary, quote sentences from texts, etc.

2. Flip Charts

These are ideal for displaying pre-prepared information. They can be used to outline the structure of a lesson, illustrate grammar rules or plot diagrams for stories.

3. Flashcards

These are excellent for teaching vocabulary or summarizing key points. They are particularly effective for visual learners.

4. Projectors

These can be used to display texts, images, or videos. These are great for engaging students and making the lesson more dynamic.

5. Multimedia

Audio and visual clips can bring language to life and make it easier to understand context and nuances.

6. Online Tools

Tools such as Google education tools, Google Docs, Slides, and Forms can be used for collaborative activities, quizzes, or presentations.

7. Interactive Whiteboard

This modern tool can make lessons more interactive and engaging. They allow teachers to display text, play video, write notes, and even interact with online resources.

8. English Language Software

Programs like Rosetta Stone or Duolingo can provide additional practice and reinforcement for students.

By incorporating these teaching aids into their lessons, high school English teachers or tutors can create a dynamic, interactive, and engaging learning environment for their students.

Best online English resources for high school tutors

There are numerous resources available to aid high school English teachers in teaching English grammar effectively. Here are some that have proven to be particularly useful:

1. Grammarly

Grammarly is an online tool that aids in correcting grammar mistakes. It’s a fantastic resource for students, helping them understand their errors and how to correct them.

2. Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)

OWL offers a wealth of grammar exercises and resources, making it a favorite among educators.

3. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is known for its interactive, student-friendly lessons on a wide range of topics, including English grammar.

4. GrammarBook

GrammarBook is an online resource that offers rules, real-world examples, and quizzes to test knowledge.

5. English Grammar 101

English Grammar 101 is an online instructional course for language arts classes, ESL students, homeschool students, and adults wanting to improve their grammar skills.

6. BusyTeacher

BusyTeacher provides thousands of free printable worksheets, lesson plans, and creative ideas that can make teaching grammar a breeze.

7. ESL Library

ESL Library is a subscription-based service that offers access to thousands of grammar lessons and printables.

8. Quill.org

Quill.org provides free writing and grammar activities for middle and high schools.

9. Grammar Monster

Grammar Monster an online resource that offers free grammar lessons and tests.

English trivia questions for high school students

Engaging students in English trivia questions can be an effective and enjoyable way to reinforce their understanding of the language. This method can be especially beneficial for high school English teachers or tutors as it turns learning into a fun and competitive exercise.

For instance, a teacher might ask, “Who is the author of ‘Pride and Prejudice’?” or “What is the past participle of ‘go’?”

Interactive platforms like Kahoot or Quizizz can be used to host these trivia sessions. These platforms come with engaging features like leaderboards, timers, and music that can enhance the experience and motivate students to participate actively. Remember, the goal is not just to test the students, but also to make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable for them.

Trivia questions can cover a wide range of topics, including vocabulary, grammar, literature, and famous authors, to help students broaden their English knowledge.

Need more trivia questions? Follow this link:

70+ Trivia Questions and Answers for High School

In conclusion, teaching high school English can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. As a teacher or tutor, using updated methods in your lesson plans and incorporating engaging teaching aids and resources can help students learn more effectively. Remember to always promote language use and foster skills like critical thinking, creativity, and confidence in your students.


1. What are some effective teaching aids for high school English teachers?

Some effective teaching aids include whiteboards, flip charts, flashcards, projectors, multimedia, online tools, interactive whiteboards, and English language software.

2. What are some helpful online resources for teaching high school English?

Helpful online resources include Grammarly, Purdue Online Writing Lab, Khan Academy, GrammarBook, English Grammar 101, BusyTeacher, ESL Library, Quill.org, and Grammar Monster.

3. How can technology be used in teaching high school English?

Technology can be used in various ways such as online tools like Google Docs, whiteboards  and language learning platforms for additional practice. Check out other sections in the article for more.


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