An IELTS teacher needs to know how to teach IELTS effectively. However, with the right guidance and resources, it is possible to help students prepare for the exam successfully. There are several techniques for IELTS coaches, such as skimming for key information, understanding context clues, and recognizing different types of questions. This article will explore the best resources to teach IELTS and provide tips on how to tutor IELTS online and face-to-face. 

Is it your first-time teaching IELTS?

It can be daunting if you are an IELTS trainer preparing to teach an IELTS course for the first time. After all, there is a lot of material to cover and many different techniques that must be mastered for students to succeed in their exams. However, with some preparation and practice, teaching IELTS can become easier and more enjoyable. This article will provide tips on effectively teaching an IELTS course online so tutors and students can reap its benefits.

You may ask How can I become an IELTS teacher online? To answer this question, you can read the article and to know for the first step to becoming an English tutor; you need an interest in the English language and be comfortable with technology; in this article, we also compare and contrast the two main options: TEFL and ESL

Plan and strategy to tutor IELTS

  • Academic or General?

To know the best strategies for teaching IELTS, you have to know the differences between academic and general IELTS:

The IELTS Academic test is usually for entry and applying to an English university. At the same time, IELTS General Training is used for job application and migration purposes. The organization where students plan to study or work abroad sets the requirements. The differences in the test can be the subjects, so before you start as an online IELTS tutor, you should check your student’s needs and plans.

  • Set the goal

When teaching an IELTS course, tutors need to set goals and establish a plan. This will help ensure that the necessary material is covered in an organized manner so that students can develop their skills across all four areas of the exam: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Setting clear goals also provides a structure for both tutor and student while encouraging interaction. With careful preparation and practice, tutors can create effective strategies for teaching IELTS courses online tailored to each student’s needs.

  • Make IELTS learners familiar with the structure of the exam

Making IELTS learners familiar with the IELTS test format is an important part of effective teaching. It helps students to understand what they need to do to be successful and gives them a clear roadmap of IELTS teaching materials for success. This can include providing information on the different parts of the exam, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, as well as strategies for tackling each section.

  • Find the weak points

Identifying and addressing the weak points of your IELTS students is an important part of teaching a successful IELTS course. Tutors must assess their students’ strengths and weaknesses to create a tailored program to help them succeed in the exam. Through careful observation, analysis, and evaluation, tutors should be able to pinpoint areas where their students may need extra attention or guidance. By focusing on these weak points, tutors can ensure their students are well-prepared for the exam and have all the necessary skills to succeed.

  • Schedule practice and learning

 Scheduling practice for your IELTS students is an important part of any successful teaching plan. Practicing the skills and strategies needed to ace the exam is essential for success, so it’s important to create a schedule that allows each student ample time to study and review material. This should include regular practice tests, which can provide valuable feedback on progress and help build confidence and knowledge.

  • Teach them the tricks of skills

When teaching an IELTS course, it is important to not only focus on helping students become familiar with the structure and content of the exam but also provide them with specific strategies and skills that will help them succeed. Tutors should take time to give their students advice on how to approach different parts of the exam by providing tips on techniques.

Learn the teaching techniques of every skill

When teaching IELTS courses, tutors should focus not only on helping students become familiar with the structure and content of the exam and the skills:

  • Writing

When teaching IELTS Writing, tutors should ensure that students are familiar with the basics of essay writing, such as developing an argument, using evidence to support their opinion, and including appropriate structure. In addition, tutors can help students improve their writing by providing them with strategies for organizing their thoughts and ideas into a cohesive essay.

If you need more guidance to teach writing click here and read: “How can I teach IELTS writingwhich contains teaching methods to provide students with a clear understanding of the evaluation criteria and essay structure requirements and incorporate activities and multimedia resources to keep them engaged and motivated. 

  • Listening

When teaching IELTS Listening, tutors should focus on helping students learn how to identify keywords and phrases in a conversation, recognize the main points of the dialogue, and understand the overall meaning. Tutors can also provide tips on techniques such as skimming for key information, taking notes while listening, or predicting possible answers before hearing them.

To read more methods you can click and read the article:How can I teach IELTS listening that includes several ways of teaching IELTS listening to beginners, such as familiarizing them with the test format and providing examples of each section, adding intense cardio exercises, and introducing multimedia resources. This article looks at tips on how to tutor IELTS listening online and face-to-face.

  • Speaking

 When teaching IELTS Speaking, tutors should help students become comfortable with the format and topics of the exam. This includes guiding how to structure their answers and tips for maintaining a steady pace and speaking clearly. Tutors can also advise on techniques such as using appropriate vocabulary and grammar, expressing opinions confidently, and responding to questions organizationally.

You can also read the article: “How can I teach IELTS speakingto read Several methods to make you a better tutor, such as using a comprehensive curriculum that covers all four language skills and incorporates authentic materials, interactive multimedia resourcesrole-playing scenarios, and group discussions to simulate real-life communication situations, which can help students improve their listening and speaking skills.

  • Reading

When teaching IELTS Reading, tutors should focus on helping students develop the skills to understand and interpret written texts. This includes teaching strategies such as skimming for key information, scanning for specific details, understanding context clues, and recognizing different questions. Tutors can also guide techniques such as using appropriate vocabulary and grammar when answering questions or making inferences based on textual evidence.

You can also read the article: How can I teach IELTS reading? to read the Tips for IELTS tutors which includes methods for developing reading comprehension skills, providing personalized feedback and support, and incorporating engaging reading materials and effective strategies for approaching the exam.

How to teach IELTS to a beginner?

Teaching IELTS to a beginner can be a challenging task. However, with the right guidance and resources, it is possible to help students prepare for the exam successfully. The key is to build basic skills and provide strategies to help them succeed in all exam areas.

This includes teaching techniques such as skimming for key information, scanning for specific details, understanding context clues, and recognizing different questions. Tutors should also use appropriate vocabulary and grammar when answering questions or making inferences based on textual evidence.

For more information, you can also read the article: How to teach IELTS to a beginner?” which is about the best methods for teaching IELTS to basic students. And use the tips to become a proficient tutor for beginners!

Best resources to teach IELTS

Finding the right book to teach IELTS can be daunting, as many options are available. With the rise of online courses and resources, it is now easier than ever for teachers to find materials that will help their students prepare for the exam. However, not all books are created equal – some offer more comprehensive coverage of topics, while others focus on specific aspects of the language.

There are several resources which can help tutors and students to be familiar with the test such as: The official cambridge guide to IELTS and IELTS trainer books and other resources such as IELTS podcasts. To ensure you choose the best book to teach IELTS, consider content quality, readability level, and user-friendliness.

How to teach the IELTS Cambridge course

When teaching the IELTS Cambridge course, tutors should focus on helping students understand the different exam components and how to approach each task effectively. This includes guiding how to interpret reading passages and spoken answers and identifying keys in listening exercises. You can use the IELTS Cambridge course to Gain a thorough understanding of IELTS and help your learners approach the test.

How to tutor IELTS?

  • Online

Online tutoring for the IELTS exam with the best English tutor can be a great way to help students prepare for this challenging test. It provides an opportunity to learn in a flexible and convenient environment, with access to various resources and materials. With online tutoring, students can practice their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills while receiving personalized feedback from experienced instructors. In addition, online tutors can guide techniques such as skimming for key information, taking notes while listening, or predicting possible answers before hearing them.

  • Face-to-face

Face-to-face tutoring for the IELTS exam is an effective way to help students prepare for this challenging test. With one-on-one instruction, tutors can provide personalized feedback and guidance tailored to each student’s needs and goals. During face-to-face sessions, tutors can assess a student’s understanding of grammar, vocabulary, speaking skills, and listening comprehension. They can also offer tips on structuring answers in the reading and writing sections or advise on strategies for improving performance in timed tests.

Be one of the best IELTS tutors in Ostado!

If you still ask yourself, how Can I become an English tutor online? Private tutoring with Ostado can be a great way to make the most money teaching English online. Register as an online tutor on Ostado; we will evaluate your resume. After qualifying, we will add you to our tutor list, and your introduction page will be on Ostado. You can have your new students and make money from the comfort of your home!

What will Ostado offer you as a tutor:

  • Free advertising
  • On-time payments 
  • Flexible working hours
  • Teaching online at home
  • Progressing in your career

Sign in on Ostado as an online tutor to start teaching English at home!


  • How to teach IELTS courses effectively?

Several tips and methods can help you to teach IELTS proficiently, which we have provided in this article. Click here to read the tips!

  • Where can I start teaching IELTS online?

Go to the Ostado platform and sign up as an Online IELTS tutor. We will suggest you to the students looking for a tutor like you, and you can start your remote job as a tutor.

  • How to tutor IELTS to beginners?

Several tips can help an IELTS tutor to teach IELTS to beginners effectively. Click here to read the tips.


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