Creating lesson plans for exam preparation is crucial as it involves the strategies and specific material for each skill to help learners achieve their goals. Crafting a practical lesson plan begins with defining your session objectives, planning engaging warm-up activities, and then presentation of the main subject along with practices and materials. This article will provide some tips and guidelines to create a successful TOEFL lesson plan for teachers.

What Is a Lesson Plan?

A TOEFL lesson plan is a step-by-step manual that guides the instructor on what and how to teach each subject as well as the materials to use at each stage. This manual showcases the objectives of the session and lesson at the top. Also, the subjects, creative activities, and time to spend on each subject are mentioned in the following section of the lesson plan. This manual should contain possible challenges that will come up to better handle the teaching environment.

A simple lesson plan example:

Wonder “How to teach for TOEFL?” This article will provide you with some great tips to use as an English tutor and even how to start teaching TOEFL exam preparation as well as instruction on each skill.

Why do I need a lesson plan as an English tutor?

As an English tutor, having a lesson plan is crucial for several reasons:

  • Structure and Organization

Using a practical lesson plan, you’ll have a clear and structured teaching session as it enables you to make sure to cover all the necessary subjects including all the skills involved in TOEFL exam. Plus, time estimates will allow you to manage your time effectively.

  • Efficient Use of Time

As you know, time management gets more important when it comes to exam preparations. Having the time estimation will allow the teacher to manage the tutoring session more effectively.

  • Clarity of Goals

TOEFL lesson plans clarify the objectives for each session and give the teacher and learners a specific direction and purpose as it makes everything clear about what they will learn by the end of the class.

  • Performance Measure

Crafting a lesson plan will allow you to measure learners’ improvements while addressing their weaknesses and strengths to focus on for the next sessions.

  • Flexibility

Although lesson plans provide a specific structure, they also bring you some flexibility to adapt your plan and objectives based on your student’s progress and performance.

  • Professionalism

A practical lesson plan is considered evidence of your teaching proficiency once you take all the factors into account when creating one.

Wanna get more information about “English tutoring lesson plans”? By checking out this article you can be more familiar with different lesson plan structures while having some templates and examples.

How to write a TOEFL lesson plan step by step for tutors

Step 1: Define the Objectives

Start by clearly defining what you want the students to learn by the end of the session. These objectives should be realistic, achievable, and directly related to the TOEFL exam. 

Here is a TOEFL lesson plan sample:

For example, an objective for a TOEFL grammar lesson plan could be “By the end of this lesson, students will be able to correctly use past perfect tense in sentences.”

Step 2: Create the Content

Next, decide on the specific content or subject you will teach to achieve those objectives. This could involve selecting a particular grammar rule, topic, or speaking/listening task. 

For instance, if you’re working on a TOEFL speaking lesson plan, your content might be “Practice speaking about a familiar topic for 45 seconds.”

Step 3: Plan the Activities

Plan entertaining activities that will engage your students and strengthen the learning objectives. 

For instance, in a TOEFL writing lesson plan, you might include an activity like “Students will write a short essay on a given topic and peer-review each other’s work.”

Step 4: Determine Assessment Methods

Determine how you will assess whether the students have met the lesson objectives. 

An example of an assessment method in a TOEFL lesson plan could be “Students will take a short quiz on the grammar rules covered in the lesson.”

Step 5: Gather Materials

Finally, gather and organize all the materials you’ll need for the lesson. This could include textbooks, worksheets, videos, or online resources. 

For example, a TOEFL sample lesson plan might include a list of websites for practice quizzes.

Step 6: Plan for Differentiation

TOEFL students have variable levels of proficiency. Plan how you will adjust the lesson to cover different learning levels. 

For instance, for advanced learners, you could add more complex tasks to your lesson plans for TOEFL.

Check out more templates and examples of TOEFL lesson plans on the Scribd website.

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When you join us as an Ostado tutor, you’ll have access to professional growth and development opportunities. We assign tutors based on the number of course requests, maximizing your teaching potential. Additionally, each tutor is paired with a dedicated supporter who efficiently handles administrative tasks, freeing up your time to focus on teaching.

What is the best online tutoring website?

If you are seeking online English tutoring jobs in the USA or Canada, or if you’re looking for the best online English tutoring website, look no further! At Ostado, our remote English tutoring jobs for English teaching come with various responsibilities to provide practical learning experiences in a virtual environment. As an online English tutor, you must possess sufficient knowledge, expertise, and motivation. You’ll prepare and deliver engaging lessons, adapting to the learning level of each language learner using various teaching methods. Creating a supportive and motivating environment and actively engaging with your students are crucial aspects of the role.

Assessing student progress, providing constructive feedback, and addressing learner problems are also part of the duties of our private online English tutors. You’ll play a vital role in expanding study resources and offering valuable suggestions to enhance learning.

Ultimately, as an online English tutor at Ostado, your responsibilities revolve around fostering academic growth, creating positive learning experiences, and empowering learners to achieve their goals.

Join us for online tutor jobs at Ostado! Click to get started. 

How to write TOEFL lesson plans for each skill

When creating a lesson plan for exam preparation classes, focusing on individual skills becomes more essential. As an English tutor, you have to be able to plan separate skills using specific activities and practices to help learners achieve their academic goals and gain acceptable scores for the exam. Let’s explore the process of creating a lesson plan for different skills.

TOEFL speaking lesson plans

One of the most important and difficult parts of the TOEFL exam is speaking and you should consider all the aspects when planning your session. 

  • First of all, you should introduce the format and expectations of the speaking section of the TOEFL exam to the students, giving some questions and answers as examples
  • Begin with a warm-up activity such as a group discussion or asking about daily events to get the students comfortable with speaking English. 
  • The main activity could be practicing speaking topics from previous TOEFL tests, which you can find online or in TOEFL preparation books. Use a timer to mock the real test circumstances and ask them to talk about the given topic for 45-60 seconds.
  • The use of audio recording devices or software can be beneficial as it enables students to listen and identify areas for improvement themselves.
  • You can then give your feedback, focusing on their language accuracy, pronunciation, and ability to express their opinions within the time limit.

TOEFL listening lesson plan

  • Start with a warm-up activity that can be listening to a short audio clip in English. Make sure the clip is clear and the content is something your students can relate to and preferably include previous TOEFL exam topics. 
  • Next, introduce the main task, which should involve listening to longer audio clips or watching videos in English. You could use a variety of content, such as news broadcasts, podcasts, or documentaries, to keep the lessons interesting. Remind the students to take notes as they listen, highlighting any new vocabulary or phrases.
  • Follow up with comprehension exercises where students answer questions or discuss the content of the audio clip. This exercise can be done individually or in groups.
  • Finally, end your TOEFL listening lesson plan with a feedback session, where you discuss the answers to the comprehension exercises, explain any doubts, and provide tips for improving your listening skills. 

Wanna know more about “how to write English listening lesson plans”? Reading this article will help you have a better understanding of what to include in each stage and how to determine if it works properly.

TOEFL writing lesson plan

When developing a lesson plan for TOEFL writing, your goal should be to improve student’s ability to communicate their ideas clearly and effectively in written English in a structured form.

  • Begin with presenting the theme of the lesson which could be essay writing or summarizing a passage.
  • Include practical exercises that require students to write short paragraphs on different topics, slowly increasing the complexity. Include practices that help students learn about and practice key elements of writing, such as sentence structure, grammar, vocabulary, and cohesion.
  • Finally, as a teacher or online private teacher, make sure to provide your feedback, mentioning their strengths and areas for improvement. This approach will help you form an effective TOEFL writing lesson plan.

Seeking a full guide on “How to write English writing lesson plans”? Checking out this article you will get familiar with the topic and a better perspective of the activities you should use to get a better result.

TOEFL reading lesson plan

For an effective TOEFL reading lesson plan, start by introducing your students to the structure of the TOEFL reading section. 

  • Introduce the types of questions they may face in the exam session, such as factual information, negative factual information, assumption, vocabulary, reference, and sentence simplification.
  • Next, engage them in warm-up activities focusing on improving reading comprehension. This could include reading a short passage and summarizing it, or identifying the main idea and supporting elements. You can find the related materials for these activities from TOEFL study books or online TOEFL resources.
  • For the main activity, provide longer passages that express the difficulty level of the TOEFL exam. Lead your students to read these passages and answer questions about the context. Encourage them to take notes and highlight key points as they read.
  • Finally, wrap up the lesson with a discussion where you review the answers, describe any doubts, and give individualized feedback. You may also suggest additional reading resources they can use for self-study. 

Wondering for other English test lesson plans? like “How to make a lesson plan for an IELTS class”? Don’t miss the article about the importance of an IELTS lesson plan and a guide on how to design it for each skill. Plus you can access full information about step-by-step guidelines and structures. 

TOEFL lesson plan templates

The templates provide you with clear instructions and sections for TOEFL lesson planning, whether you’re an English private tutor or seeking online English tutoring jobs for TOEFL teaching. 

Here are other types of TOEFL lesson plan templates:

Need more lesson plan templates? Check out the Slideshare website for more!


1. What are the 5 parts of the lesson plan?

The 5 parts of a lesson plan are the objective, the warm-up, the presentation, the practice, and the assessment.

2. How to write a lesson plan?

A lesson plan can be written by clearly defining the objectives, planning engaging warm-up activities, detailing the presentation and practice parts, and designing effective assessment methods. Check out our article for more detailed guides.

3. What are the 4 A’s of a lesson plan?

The 4 A’s of a lesson plan are Anticipatory set, Acquisition, Application, and Assessment.


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