It takes more than just knowing the language to teach advanced English students. Incorporating real-world resources, such as news stories, into your work can help you succeed by increasing your vocabulary and sharpening your analytical skills.

Make news stories available to students with various interests, have them examine them, debate them critically, and then have them write about what they’ve learned. To promote active participation and critical thinking, use films as part of a multimodal learning experience that includes previewing activities, guided watching with notes, and post-viewing conversations.

What To Teach Advanced English Students:

  • Use news to improve vocabulary and critical thinking
  • Conduct interactive previewing activities before watching videos
  • Encourage crucial thoughts via post-viewing conversations
  • Pick situations that apply to how people behave at work
  • Give explicit roles and preparation instructions
  • Set basic rules for an organized debate
  • Promote critical thinking, active listening, and meaningful replies
  • Develop thematic vocabulary lessons
  • Use varied real-life collocation examples
  • Enhance academic writing with correct citations and organization
  • Concentrate on phonetics, word emphasis, and intonation

Make yourself ready to learn all about what to teach advanced English students. We will give you details that no one ever told you.

Who Are Advanced in English?

A person with advanced English proficiency demonstrates a command of the language beyond simple conversation and can be used effectively in various circumstances. Speakers at the advanced level can understand and debate complex texts, write clearly and concisely, and reach the C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Their extensive vocabulary allows them to communicate thoughts with clarity and refinement, using colloquial terms and subtle subtleties. Furthermore, they develop strong critical thinking skills, which help them evaluate material thoroughly, create arguments with solid evidence, and confidently express their viewpoints.

Advanced English Student’s Abilities

Now, let’s explore each of the stated skills in more detail:


Expressiveness: Those with a command of the English language can easily articulate their thoughts and style. They have an uncanny knack for picking expressions that perfectly capture their message.

  • Example: Rather than stating, “I like the beach,” they may add, “I am captivated by the serene beauty of the coastline.”

Diverse Sentence Structures: They may complement their speech with complicated, simple, and compound phrases.

  • Example: “Even though I was exhausted, I decided to run, hoping the fresh air would help me feel better.”

The Accuracy:

Grammar Mastery: They easily use complex grammatical structures and show exceptional precision by avoiding typical mistakes.

  • Example: Properly use complicated tenses, such as the present perfect continuous: “I have been studying English for several years.”

Punctuation and Spelling: They ensure their written work is error-free by paying close attention to punctuation and spelling.

  • Example: “They stand out in professional communication due to their attention to detail, which includes precise punctuation.”


Knowledge of Subtle Significance: Fluent speakers can understand figurative language, implicit messages, and subtle meanings.

  • Example: Realizing that “walking on thin ice” refers to being in a dangerous scenario.

Cultural Awareness:

Idiomatic Usage: They employ terms and idioms peculiar to their culture.

  • Example: When describing an intense downpour, use the expression “raining cats and dogs.”

Etiquette in Social Contexts: They can read different cultures and respond appropriately in everyday interactions.

  • Example: Understanding the meaning of certain gestures or expressions in various cultural situations. The fluent English speaker showed cultural awareness at a business meeting with Japanese coworkers by politely nodding in response to the traditional bow.

What to Teach Advanced English Students for Success?

Teaching students as an online advances English tutor with exceptional proficiency requires a sophisticated strategy transcending fundamental language abilities. Always ask yourself: What are the best English tutoring methods? These sorts of questions will help you structure your teaching methods well.

To succeed, you should concentrate on these essential points:

1- Incorporating Authentic Materials with News Articles

Reading news stories is a great way to expand your vocabulary, practice different types of sentences, and get more familiar with the idioms and terms used in journalism. Students better grasp the language in the broader context via critical thinking exercises and increased awareness of global concerns through news article analysis.

If you always ask yourself how to be a good tutor in English, then using news articles is among the best ways to get it done.

Present a Wide Range of Items:

Curate various news items related to the student’s interests and academic activities rather than just choosing articles. Ensure that articles are included from several foreign sources so kids may get exposure to other language styles and cultural viewpoints.

Theme Analysis

Arrange articles according to specific subjects so students may explore subjects that interest them more. This method makes students more likely to stay engaged and better grasp subject-specific language.

Activity-Based Reading Assistance:

Introduce reading activities that build upon one another, beginning with pre-reading exercises like word previews or predictions. For a thorough grasp of the material, have students participate in post-reading conversations and comprehension tasks as they read.

Conversations on Critical Analysis:

Promote analytical thinking by engaging in through conversations that transcend mere summarizing. Ask your students to consider the author’s prejudices, draw parallels to their own lives, and evaluate the work through the author’s point of view. Doing so may foster a deeper appreciation for contextual language usage.

Discussions on Current Events:

Motivate your students to think critically about the material by showing them how news stories relate to current events. Their language abilities will improve, and they will develop a feeling of global citizenship and awareness.

Writing Assignments:

Assigning writing tasks related to the news items is a great way to extend the learning experience. Opinion articles, summaries, and even replies to editor’s letters may fall under this category. Writing is a great way to express yourself creatively and strengthen your linguistic abilities.

2- Engage Students in Conversation Using Videos

Visual material aids language acquisition by providing background information, cultural allusions, and non-verbal clues. A multimodal experience, like watching a video, may help learn new words, pick up on subtleties, and experience other ways of speaking. Here is the best way to teach Advanced students with videos.

Interactive Previewing Activities:

Start with engaging previewing activities encouraging participation and building on existing knowledge. For example, you may talk about your experiences pertinent to the video’s subject, devise a list of appropriate words, or make predictions about the video’s content based on its images.

  • Example: Students have a quick conversation about their knowledge of environmental concerns and what they want to gain from a documentary on climate change before seeing it.

Self-Guided Viewing with Notes

Provide leading questions or annotation points when viewing videos to promote active interaction. This aids in drawing students’ attention to the video’s essential language features, cultural allusions, and subtleties.

  • Example: Students may be instructed to annotate expressions of agreement or disagreement, cultural gestures, or particular words used in the debate while viewing an interview.

Post-viewing Discussions and Reflections

Structured post-video conversations allow students to voice their thoughts, reflect on what they’ve seen, and make personal connections to what they’ve learned. As a result, students are more likely to think critically and use their linguistic abilities in practical ways.

  • Example: Following the viewing of a historical documentary, students participate in a debate on the historical relevance of those events and how they affect society now.

3- Enhancing Conversational Skills with Role-plays

It would help if you carefully chose scenarios that reflect things you may face in the workplace. Interactions at the workplace, with clients, during negotiations, or job interviews are all examples of such situations.

Role Assignment:

Put each student in a particular character and have them act out situations that relate to their career goals or the course requirements. For example, a student aspiring to work in marketing may act out a product presentation as a brand manager.

Preparation Guidelines:

To be well-prepared, you should lay out the specific requirements for each function. Give students a rundown of the main issues, goals, or problems they’ll face in the role-play. For example, you may demonstrate your ability to solve problems, answer possible criticisms, or use certain language features.

Peer Observation and Feedback:

Promote teamwork in the classroom by having students watch and comment on each other’s role plays. The result is an environment conducive to learning from one another, insightful criticism, and new perspectives on communication styles.

4- Engage Students To Talk With Each Other in Group Discussions

Pick class discussions to help students learn and grow about the course goals. The subjects chosen for the students’ projects should be varied, challenging, and directly related to their studies. For instance, themes, characters, or literary devices could be the focus of a literature class discussion.

Structured Discussion Format:

Group talks should adhere to a predefined framework to guarantee active participation. Establishing ground rules for polite and inclusive discourse, having a chosen leader for the debate, and defining clear goals are all ways to do this.

Pre-discussion Preparation:

Give students the necessary texts or resources ahead of time to help them prepare for the discussion. That way, they can participate intelligently and bring well-informed viewpoints.

Active Listening and Response Guidelines:

Remind everyone to pay attention while speaking is crucial. Ensure everyone knows how to react to one another’s contributions by outlining strategies like expanding on others’ ideas, asking for clarification, and politely questioning viewpoints.

Make sure that the conversation includes a critical analytical component. Encourage your students to do more than state their thoughts; they should back them up with citations of appropriate literature or additional academic articles. This step encourages a more profound degree of involvement and critical thinking.

5- Expanding Vocabulary Through Context

If you want to increase your vocabulary, learning new words and then using them in different contexts is one way. This will help you comprehend their meanings better and use them correctly. Here’s a breakdown of effective teaching methods for advanced students:

Themed Vocabulary Units:

Create vocabulary lessons for advanced students by organizing them according to common themes or subjects. Consider concentrating on collocations associated with meetings, negotiations, or project management in a business English class. Students can better understand collocations and their circumstances by using this theme approach.

Reliable Sources and Documents:

Look for real-life examples of collocations in places like articles, reports, or book extracts. Talk to your students about these books and how the recurrent word combinations make sense in the context.

Visual Aids and Word Maps:

Develop graphic tools to illustrate collocations, such as word maps or diagrams. Students benefit from this visual tool because it allows them to understand word relationships better and reinforces the concept that certain words go well with one another.

Collocation Journals:

Remind your students to keep collocation journals. Students may use these diaries to write new collocations in their readings, discussions, or media consumption. This self-reflection is great for reiterating previously learned material and creating a unique resource for when you need it.

6- Developing Advanced Writing Skills

Teaching students to write effectively at the advanced level calls for a multi-pronged strategy addressing unique academic, creative, and business writing needs. Some recommendations for improvement in each area are as follows:

Creative Writing:

  1. Create a space where students feel safe expressing their imaginations and thinking critically.
  2. Give various exciting and challenging questions to encourage creative thinking.
  3. Facilitate learning via collaboration and constructive criticism by instituting peer review sessions.
  4. Develop your students’ writing abilities by having them explore many types of literature, including fiction, poetry, and drama.

Academic Writing:

  1. Stress the significance of a well-organized and coherent framework in academic writing.
  2. Instruct students in proper citation procedures and research methods.
  3. Strengthen analytical and synthesis skills to encourage critical thinking.
  4. Ensure your students are well-versed in academic writing standards, such as adequately citing sources and using appropriate formatting styles.

Business Writing

  • Stress the need for a professional and concise writing style.
  • Make sure your students know how to write for a specific demographic.
  • Include many business papers in your coverage, including proposals, emails, and reports.
  • Emphasize the value of careful editing and proofreading for professional, polished writing.

7- Addressing Pronunciation and Accents

Paying close attention to phonetic subtleties, emphasizing word stress and intonation patterns, and perfecting prosody within phrases and paragraphs are all part of improving pronunciation for advanced English students.

Employing genuine resources such as interviews and podcasts allows students to hear a variety of dialects, which helps them adjust to real-life situations. Further ways to help students become more sensitive to language are to have them analyze their speech and expose them to different English accents via media and interactive conversations.

They get a deeper respect for linguistic variety by incorporating accent reduction methods and conversations on the cultural settings of accents. This all-encompassing method guarantees that advanced students not only master the art of precise pronunciation but also deftly negotiate the complexities of many English dialects while being culturally sensitive.

Pronunciation Practice:

  1. Pay attention to individual phonetic subtleties and differentiate between little changes.
  2. Spell out terms with more than one syllable and underline the need for different intonations.
  3. Practice natural intonation, rise, and fall in extended speech.
  4. Incorporate native speaker interviews, podcasts, or speeches to show students real-world pronunciation variances.
  5. Use speech analysis to promote self-awareness and successful self-correction.

Accent Exposure:

  • Teach regional pronunciations by hearing British, American, and Australian English accents.
  • I am using different voices in the media to study cultural subtleties and character development.
  • Please encourage them to communicate with native speakers from other places via language exchange programs, virtual language partners, or joint initiatives.
  • Help with accent neutralization exercises.
  • We are discussing cultural and historical influences on accents to promote linguistic variety.

What Certifications Do I Need to Teach English to Advanced Students?

You might ask yourself what English teaching certificate should I Get? English tutor certifications are the very basic part of getting a job as an English teacher. There are some essential certifications for teaching advanced English students. By following these examples and obtaining these certificates, you will learn everything you need to know about teaching advanced English, from classroom techniques to pedagogical approaches. These certifications are as follows:




 (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Provides training in language teaching methodologies, lesson planning, and classroom management. Essential for entry-level positions and often a requirement for teaching English abroad.
  (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) Issued by Cambridge Assessment English, includes practical teaching experience. Highly regarded for teaching positions in reputable language schools.
 (Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults) An advanced qualification for experienced teachers seeking professional development. Valuable for career advancement and positions in teacher training or academic management.

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Ostado is the perfect platform for tutors and students who want to learn English in the comfort of their own homes. Tutors who use Ostado will benefit from several features including an intuitive, user-friendly interface that allows them to quickly and easily search for available tutoring opportunities, or post their own with ease. They can also quickly connect with potential tutors and students in real time, making it easy to build relationships and create long-term teaching partnerships.

Registering on Ostado is free, and our platform allows anyone worldwide to access our services easily. So don’t wait any longer; start your online tutoring jobs today at Ostado and improve your conversational English skills.

Last Words

Teaching advanced English students requires a diversified strategy beyond typical teaching approaches. Teachers may develop linguistic brilliance by stressing vocabulary enrichment, advanced reading skills, and cultural immersion. Technology, current events, and personalized learning styles make teaching exciting. Proper pronunciation and grammar take patience and personalization. Successful advanced English instruction relies on numerous exciting activities and positive reinforcement to motivate students. Teachers who use these tactics help students understand language and navigate the world with grace and culture.

Meta description: Have you ever wondered what to teach advanced English students? Teaching advanced needs incorporating real-world resources, such as news stories.


What Should English Teachers Prioritize When Teaching Advanced Students?

Teaching advanced English learners calls for a sophisticated strategy. Highlight sophisticated grammatical rules, idiomatic phrases, and an extensive vocabulary. Engage students in talks to improve their conversational skills and encourage critical thinking via in-depth literary study.

How Can English Teachers Foster Advanced Reading Skills in Their Students?

Introduce challenging and varied books to help students improve their advanced reading abilities. Practice reading independently and give your students the skills to analyze and understand more difficult content. Highlight the importance of context clues and help students identify literary techniques to enhance their understanding.

How do you assist advanced English students in refining their pronunciation and accent?

Refining pronunciation involves regular practice and exposure. Engage students in phonetic exercises, language immersion through multimedia, and conversations with native speakers. Utilize speech recognition tools to identify areas of improvement, ensuring a well-rounded approach.

How Can English Teachers Incorporate Technology Into Advanced Language Learning?

Integrate technology by utilizing language-learning apps, online resources, and interactive platforms. Encourage virtual collaborations, facilitating communication with native speakers worldwide. Leverage multimedia to expose students to diverse accents, enriching their listening skills.


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