You may wonder “How to teach English literature?” It’s worth mentioning that as an English literature teacher, you should have a good knowledge of the English language, as well as a variety of teaching methods and a passion for teaching. Some of the techniques include project-based, thematic learning, and text-based teaching. While the thematic method discusses a certain theme in several works, the text-based analyzes a single work in detail. 

This article will provide you with full information about teaching English literature job description while exploring methods of teaching literature in English and a roadmap map to becoming an English lit teacher.

Why teach English literature?

Teaching English literature offers a lot of benefits, both personal and professional. On a personal level, it allows learners to share their passion for reading, encourages open-mindedness in students, and improves their critical thinking skills. Professionally, it provides a long-lasting career path with growth opportunities, as well as the flexibility to work remotely, thanks to the increasing availability of online teaching positions. 

Here is a table that gives you more information about problems in teaching English literature as well as its pros and cons.

How to become an English literature teacher? Requirements and degrees

Becoming an English literature instructor requires a combination of educational qualifications, teaching experience, and certification. Typically, candidates should hold a bachelor’s degree in education, English, or a related field, with specific coursework in teacher preparation. Gaining practical experience through a student teaching internship is essential. Additionally, obtaining state certification and a teaching license, including passing the required examinations, is necessary for online English tutoring jobs in the USA and Canada. For those aspiring to work in specialized fields or higher education, seeking a master’s degree may be beneficial.

Degrees and Certifications to Become an English Literature Teacher

  • Bachelor’s Degree in English or Education: 

This degree has a strong focus on English language and literature and can form the base of an English teaching career.

  • Master’s Degree in English Literature or Teaching: 

This is often required for teaching at higher levels or specialized roles. A master’s in teaching English literature improves the understanding of literature and generates advanced teaching skills.

Need more information about “English Literature Teacher Career Info and Education Requirements” Checking out this blog post will help you to learn more about the topic.

  • Teacher Preparation Program: 

These programs are designed to provide practical teaching skills and can be included as part of the bachelor’s degree or as a separate requirement.

  • Student Teaching Internship: 

Practical teaching experience in English literature earned through internships creates an important part of the training process.

  • State Certification Tests: 

English literature teachers must pass these tests before they can teach and the specific tests and materials vary by state.

  • Teaching License: 

After passing the certification tests, teachers must apply for a license in their state to legally teach.

  • Specialized Certifications: 

Depending on the teaching roles, specialized certifications may be necessary. These could be in creative writing, specific periods of literature, or teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL).

Still curious about English language and literature teaching certificates? Our article“What English teaching certificate should I get?” will provide you with full guides about each certificate and how to get it.

English literature teacher job description and responsibility

As an English literature teacher, your main responsibilities include designing and delivering engaging courses that encourage a passion for reading, developing students’ analytical skills, and providing help for projects and written assignments. It is important to create a positive and active learning environment that promotes critical thinking. For a complete list of responsibilities and requirements, please check out the table below.

Salary Expectations for Teaching English Literature

The educational background, years of experience, location, and type of school that you work for can all affect an English literature teacher’s typical salary.

  • Teaching English Literature Abroad: 

The country and cost of living in which a teacher works can have a considerable impact on their payments. Typically, many foreign schools offer competitive salaries in addition to other benefits like housing funding, flight refunds, and health insurance.

  • Online Teaching: 

With the growth of online teaching positions in English literature, the salary varies based on the platform, the number of hours worked, and the instructor’s certifications. Online teaching offers flexibility that traditional classroom teaching might not, and some tutors report earnings that are similar to those of their in-person ones.

Practical Roadmap to Becoming an English Literature Teacher

Following is a comprehensive step-by-step guide to becoming an English Literature teacher:

  • Earn a Bachelor’s Degree: 

Obtaining an undergraduate degree in English, English Education, or a closely related field is the first stage. To establish a reliable base, focus on English language and literature courses.

  • Gain Teaching Experience: 

Make the most use of tutoring chances and volunteering jobs to teach in community programs while you’re not finished your college. This will help you gain practical experience and give you a perspective of what it’s like to be a teacher.

  • Complete a Teacher Preparation Program: 

This could be a stand-alone program or a part of your degree. These courses introduce you to the teaching techniques and abilities you need, including how to teach English literature.

  • Student Teaching Internship: 

Joining an internship program will let you put your teaching knowledge and experience to use in a real classroom. You will have the opportunity to teach English literature while working under the guidance of a more experienced educator.

  • Obtain Certification: 

To become a certified teacher, you should pass the certification exams in your state or region after your graduation. You’ll also pass English literature as part of the course.

  • Find a Teaching Job: 

Seek positions teaching English literature in public and private educational institutions. These days, teaching English literature online is a popular option for work in a related field.

  • Consider a Master’s Degree: 

If you’re looking to grow your career or specialize in a specific area of English literature, consider earning a master’s degree in teaching English literature. This will also increase your chances of getting teaching jobs with higher pay.

  • Continuing Education: 

Stay up-to-date with the latest English literature teaching methods, engage in professional development activities and workshops, and explore specialized certifications to improve your teaching skills.

Teaching English literature abroad

Teaching English abroad provides cultural relations and an understanding of international literary traditions, making it an enjoyable and rewarding experience. There is a significant need for qualified educators in this profession around the world, and different nations provide various chances.

Wanna know “How to teach English in another country”? Read this article to have a  better understanding of how to begin teaching abroad, quick ways to start, and explore how this opportunity can boost your income. 

Teaching English Literature in the USA

Teaching English literature in the USA is a rewarding profession that places significant emphasis on fostering critical thinking, deep analysis, and effective communication skills in students. With a variety of English literature teaching jobs available across the country, from elementary through to high school levels, there are ample opportunities to engage with and inspire students. 

Language and Literature in English California is the state where teachers can expect to make the highest salary, with an average salary of around $124,250. At an average pay rate of $81,350, these workers in Educational Services receive the highest wage of any group.

Online language tutoring jobs in the USA | Teaching job opportunities

Teaching English literature in Canada

In Canada, teaching English literature is a dynamic and respected profession, with a focus on developing creativity, critical thinking, and a more general worldview among students. English literature teachers are offered a range of positions in public and private schools, with the opportunity to teach different fields of literature, from British to American to Canadian literature. 

The average pay for an English literature teacher in Canada is $55790 per year. The starting salary for entry-level jobs is $39,000 annually, while the average salary for experienced workers is $77,416.

Online English tutoring jobs in Canada | Job opportunities

Online teaching jobs English literature at Ostado

Becoming an English literature tutor at Ostado opens up exciting opportunities for both personal and professional growth. With a focus on providing top-quality education, Ostado is dedicated to supporting its  tutors every step of the way. As an English literature tutor, you’ll have the chance to share your passion for literature and language with students from around the world.

At Ostado, we value experience and expertise. Our rigorous selection process ensures that only the most qualified tutors join our team. Once you become an Ostado English private tutor, you’ll have access to ongoing support and guidance. Our dedicated team will handle administrative tasks efficiently, allowing you to focus on what you do best – teaching.

Joining Ostado as an English literature tutor means joining a community of passionate educators. With our global reach, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with students from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Whether you’re teaching classic literature, analyzing poetry, or exploring contemporary works, Ostado provides a platform for you to make a real impact in students’ lives and a good opportunity for you to teach English literature online

Ready to embark on this exciting journey to get an online teaching job? Join us as an English literature tutor at Ostado and let your passion for literature shine through!

 What does English literature teach? Methods of teaching English literature

A range of teaching strategies are necessary to properly engage students and promote a deep understanding of the subject matter in the large and diverse discipline of English literature.

  • Close Reading: 

This is a basic approach to teaching English literature. Students must closely examine and evaluate texts, analyzing topic components and language usage. 

  • Discussion and Debate: 

Conversations in the classroom can increase student engagement and promote deeper understanding. Students can increase their understanding and preference of literature by sharing their ideas and listening to disagreeing views.

  • Creative Assignments: 

Teachers use innovative teaching methods, including role-playing or creative writing assignments, to encourage students‘ passion for reading. Through these activities, students can creatively express how they interpret the book, which helps them develop a stronger connection with the subject matter.

  • Comparative Analysis: 

Analyzing texts in comparison involves examining many texts side by side. This approach can highlight thematic similarities or differences, providing a deeper understanding of the literature.

  • Historical Contextualization: 

Since literature frequently reproduces the times in which it was written, interpreting a work’s historical background might indicate previously undiscovered meanings. 

  • Literary Theory Application: 

Applying various literary theories—like post-colonialism, feminism, and Marxism, among others—provides various perspectives for interpreting texts. This approach can increase awareness, and comprehension and develop interesting conversations.

  • Multimedia Integration: 

As digital technology advances, adding multimedia materials to lessons—such as audio readings, film adaptations, or digital presentations—can improve instruction and create a range of learning preferences.

To find out more details about English teaching methods and their focus, read the article “What are the best English tutoring methods?” and gain a better perspective of the best teaching methods and how to choose the right one according to the learners’ needs. 

What is the best way to teach English literature?

The most effective approach to teaching English literature involves a combination of traditional and modern methods. Using conventional approaches like comparative analysis and close reading encourages critical thinking skills while blending debates and discussions promotes student engagement and enhances communication abilities. By combining these methods with creative projects, students can further improve their learning and develop their imaginations. 

Still don’t know where to start and how to learn English literature approaches? Using the website can help you access different courses for learning and a wide range of materials for English literature teaching.

English Literature Teacher Resume

In pursuing a career as an English literature teacher, your resume becomes an essential tool to showcase your qualifications and expertise. It should include vital sections such as

  • Contact Information: 

This includes your full name, phone number, email address, and home address.

  • Objective Statement: 

A brief summary including your career goals, teaching philosophy, and why you would be a suitable fit for the position.

  • Skills: 

List your relevant skills such as proficiency in literary analysis, curriculum planning, classroom management, student engagement, and effective communication.

  • Education: 

Detail your educational background, specifying degrees earned, organizations attended, and years of graduation. Include any major or minor experience related to English literature.

  • Certifications: 

List any relevant teaching certifications such as state teaching licensure or a TESOL certificate.

  • Professional Experience: 

Highlight your teaching experience, detailing your roles, responsibilities, and achievements at each institution. Ensure to include any experience in teaching English literature specifically.

  • Publications/Presentations: 

If relevant, list any published works, presentations, or research in the field of English literature.

  • Awards and Honors: 

Include any related awards in teaching or your specific field of English literature.

  • Professional Development: 

Mention any workshops, seminars, or courses you have attended to improve your teaching abilities or knowledge of English literature.

  • References: 

Provide any references from past employers or colleagues who can certify your teaching abilities and expertise in English literature.

Read more: How to prepare cv for a tutoring job

Interview questions for English literature teacher

You can demonstrate your passion for the subject, your teaching style, and your teaching philosophy during an interview for a position teaching English literature. The following are the top five interview questions that you might hear:

  1. What is your teaching philosophy when it comes to English Literature?
  2. How do you approach teaching complex texts to students with varying skill levels?
  3. Can you share an example of a creative assignment you have assigned to help students better connect with a piece of literature?
  4. How do you incorporate historical and cultural context into your lessons?
  5. How have you adapted your teaching methods to the shift towards online learning?

For more potential interview questions and tips on how to answer them, refer to our comprehensive guide “English tutor interview questions and answers 

English literature teacher salary

The salary of an English literature teacher can vary based on factors such as location, the level of education (high school, college, university), years of experience, and the type of institution (public or private). Besides, English literature teaching jobs, particularly online, have grown in demand, affecting the salary trends in this field.

Let’s take a look at a summarized breakdown of English literature teacher salaries in the USA:

Please note that these are approximate values and can vary based on the factors mentioned earlier. To secure a higher salary, continue enhancing your teaching skills, pursue further education in English literature, and stay updated with the latest teaching methods.

Wanna know more about “Tutor Vs teacher salary”?

In conclusion, teaching English literature requires a combination of effective teaching strategies and a real passion for the subject. It is essential to continuously improve your skills, stay updated with modern teaching methods, and adapt to the various needs of students, whether you are seeking traditional teaching positions or exploring opportunities in online English literature instruction. Remember, as an English literature instructor, you have the power to make a deep impact on the minds and futures of numerous students, expanding far above the borders of the classroom.


  • How to teach English literature effectively?

To teach English literature effectively, you should use changing teaching methods, create an engaging learning environment, and connect texts to their historical and cultural contexts.

  • What qualifications do you need to teach English literature?

To train as an English literature teacher, you typically need a bachelor’s degree in English or a related field, a teaching certification, and relevant teaching experience.

  • What are the 5 approaches to teaching literature?

The five approaches in teaching literature include the moral approach, the formalistic approach, the psychological approach, the sociological approach, and the mythological approach.

  • What is the best way to teach English literature?

The best way to teach English literature is by combining teaching methods, making lessons engaging, connecting literary texts to real-life contexts, and improving critical thinking skills.


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